On December 24 we learned that the owner of the park we live in received an offer to sell it. Even though he was not required to do so, he is giving the residents the opportunity to buy it.
I now hope we can get enough people who have been dis-satisfied with the owner to put their money up so we all an be owners. if we don't get enough to buy we are sure to get major rent increases on the land we are renting. We are going to have an informational meeting on January 6 to get the most accurate information possible to the residents. We only have about 30 days left to get enough to buy in. If we don't, I will be one very unhappy individual.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
My surgery was delayed until yesterday to remove the spurs/bunions and it went very well. I took a nap and when I woke they were gone!!!! The surgery took less than 2 hours for all three spots. The large toe bumps were really spurs according to the doctor but the one on the right foot on the right side of the small toe was a true bunion. I don't know what the technical difference is!! At least the ones on the large toes had not caused the big toe to change it's angle, so no work had to be done to correct that.
I now have to keep the feet elevated as much as possible and put ice on and off to keep the swelling down. I have these neat shoes I wear to support the toes and I can walk around on my heels. I am having no real pain at all and but I can feel the itchy healing starting. I will get an appointment with the doctor to get the bandages off and the stitches out which he said probably would not be until Jan 4. That means I will not be dancing at the New Years Party we are going to or the Jay Smith dinner/dance at the Punta Gorda Elks on Jan 2.
I am sure I am going to find it a lot easier to find shoes that fit now and I will not have the rubbing and pain that I have gotten in the past.
I now have to keep the feet elevated as much as possible and put ice on and off to keep the swelling down. I have these neat shoes I wear to support the toes and I can walk around on my heels. I am having no real pain at all and but I can feel the itchy healing starting. I will get an appointment with the doctor to get the bandages off and the stitches out which he said probably would not be until Jan 4. That means I will not be dancing at the New Years Party we are going to or the Jay Smith dinner/dance at the Punta Gorda Elks on Jan 2.
I am sure I am going to find it a lot easier to find shoes that fit now and I will not have the rubbing and pain that I have gotten in the past.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
A Fun Week
Here we are in the last days before Christmas with lots of stuff going on. Carol and bowled our last time this year before our holiday break. Both of us bowled poorly and the lunch after was the best thing about bowling again!!

Thursday evening was the last bingo for me to call this year and it was the last bingo on Thursdays. Starting in January it is being changed to Monday evenings. Thursday had been conflicting with entrainment and dinners that we enjoy!! Jay Smith is one of favorite musicians and he usually lays on Thursdays. It was also a rush to get done in time to see CSI at 9 PM!! Gus and Marilyn Lopes also like Jay so the change was made easier since she is the bingo chairman!!! Carol won one game so that made the evening even better.
Saturday was pancake breakfast and as chairman, Jim had all the shopping to do on Friday. A great crew takes care of all the food preparation. We had blueberry pancakes this time and that drew a crowd of nearly 100 for the breakfast. It is a nice social event for the community and everyone seems to enjoy it.
Here are pictures of our server and flippers (Harold, Glenn and Tom) and egg and sausage cooks (Dom and Joe).
During last week I also went to my primary doctor and he OK'd me for my foot surgery which has be changed from Monday to Tuesday next week. I also went to the VA doctor and all was well. She did request a sonogram of my lower torso to check for an aneurysm. It was a precautionary thing as there was no indication one was present. It sounded like a good plan to me.
Merry Christmas to every one.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Jim's Medical Week!!!
On the Monday after Thanksgiving I finally decided to have a Podiatrist look at my Bunions. He said the "bumps" were more from arthritis and would be easy to trim so they won't cause pain when wearing dress shoes. It's been getting more and more difficult to find shoes that fit properly and don't cause pain.
So we scheduled surgery for December 21. That started the ball rolling on x-rays and blood work. The feet had to have an x-ray and then my Primary Care Physician has to OK me for surgery. That meant a chest x-ray and blood work this week for the PCP. I also have my annual VA doctor visit next week so I had to have blood drawn at the VA this week. I hope I have enough left for my PCP blood work.
The surgery will keep me off my feet for several weeks but he said I could still hobble around to get to the bathroom etc.. I need to keep the feet elevated to reduce any swelling.
So I will be lying around reading and watching a lot of TV for several weeks over the holidays.
Since I was on a roll, I had also scheduled a visit to a Urologist because the prostate is giving me problems at night. It has been causing me to get up more frequently at night over the years ... Now I only sleep about 1 1/2 - 2 hours before having to get up. So today I went to see him today and was told that I am getting the maximum medication to control this situation. The prostate has enlarged somewhat but it is a benign enlargement (BPH) that is causing the slight blockage. The Urologist is going to do two tests to find out what can be done to correct the situation. These tests have been scheduled for later in January so I can recover from the foot surgery. The corrective procedure I am expecting will dilate the urethra where it goes through the prostate. It is not surgery and is done in his office.
So we scheduled surgery for December 21. That started the ball rolling on x-rays and blood work. The feet had to have an x-ray and then my Primary Care Physician has to OK me for surgery. That meant a chest x-ray and blood work this week for the PCP. I also have my annual VA doctor visit next week so I had to have blood drawn at the VA this week. I hope I have enough left for my PCP blood work.
The surgery will keep me off my feet for several weeks but he said I could still hobble around to get to the bathroom etc.. I need to keep the feet elevated to reduce any swelling.
So I will be lying around reading and watching a lot of TV for several weeks over the holidays.
Since I was on a roll, I had also scheduled a visit to a Urologist because the prostate is giving me problems at night. It has been causing me to get up more frequently at night over the years ... Now I only sleep about 1 1/2 - 2 hours before having to get up. So today I went to see him today and was told that I am getting the maximum medication to control this situation. The prostate has enlarged somewhat but it is a benign enlargement (BPH) that is causing the slight blockage. The Urologist is going to do two tests to find out what can be done to correct the situation. These tests have been scheduled for later in January so I can recover from the foot surgery. The corrective procedure I am expecting will dilate the urethra where it goes through the prostate. It is not surgery and is done in his office.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Party Party !!!
This evening was Riverwalk's Christmas Dance and dinner (Potluck). A 50's playing couple were hired to provide the music for the event and since it was a 50's party as well, there was a prize for the best 50's costumes. I took some video of those dressed in 50's garb as they were strutting their stuff for the judges.
When the judges made their decision, I got most of the prize winners on video but the battery in the camera got too low to get it all. Here is a clip of what I got of the judges' decisions.
When the judges made their decision, I got most of the prize winners on video but the battery in the camera got too low to get it all. Here is a clip of what I got of the judges' decisions.
When the entertainers played "New York, New York" the gals from New York formed a Rockette dance line. Here they are, but I am sure they are going to keep their day jobs!!!!
When the "Twist" was played, Wally Hutt really showed everyone how to do the moves like Chubby Checkers!!
A wet RV'ing weekend
On Thursday we drove the RV to Okeechobee, FL to stay at a campground that sounded relly nice and they had a good deal for us. We arranged to meet up with 2 other couples from the east coast of FL so we could have a fun weekend together. When we got there, a third other (new) couple joined us. The "new" couple, John and Suzanne fit right in with our fun group of Joe and Jerri, Mashall and Joann and us.
When I found this "deal" that we got I thought the resort wanted us to see the place so we might camp there in the future. Well, they were interested in selling RV lots to us but they treated us very well and were not pushy about selling the lots. The resort was a very fine resort with facilities and sites that were as good as any we ad ever seen. The lot prices were also not really out of line for that class of RV resort. Even so we were not really inters ted in buying a lot.
The weekend was one of rain and cold weather. It did put a damper on the outside activities, but they still provided breakfast each morning for us, lunch on Friday and dinner on Friday and Saturday evenings. Our group also took over their clubhouse on Saturday afternoon to watch the Florida Gators play Alabama. It was not a good day for the Gators as they were soundly beaten by Bama.
Finally on Sunday the sun started coming out and we left about 11 AM to head back to home.
When we got home, Gail and her "guy friend" dropped in to visit and then Carol and I went to a Christmas potluck dinner dance at our clubhouse. It was fun and the music was good but we were both a little run down from the earlier part of the weekend. There will be an individual post on that little party, with some videos I took.
When I found this "deal" that we got I thought the resort wanted us to see the place so we might camp there in the future. Well, they were interested in selling RV lots to us but they treated us very well and were not pushy about selling the lots. The resort was a very fine resort with facilities and sites that were as good as any we ad ever seen. The lot prices were also not really out of line for that class of RV resort. Even so we were not really inters ted in buying a lot.
The weekend was one of rain and cold weather. It did put a damper on the outside activities, but they still provided breakfast each morning for us, lunch on Friday and dinner on Friday and Saturday evenings. Our group also took over their clubhouse on Saturday afternoon to watch the Florida Gators play Alabama. It was not a good day for the Gators as they were soundly beaten by Bama.
Finally on Sunday the sun started coming out and we left about 11 AM to head back to home.
When we got home, Gail and her "guy friend" dropped in to visit and then Carol and I went to a Christmas potluck dinner dance at our clubhouse. It was fun and the music was good but we were both a little run down from the earlier part of the weekend. There will be an individual post on that little party, with some videos I took.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving, Black Friday and SCUBA
We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner with Gail at our house. The Turkey we got from Publix was one of the best ever. The white meat was very moist and the flavor was good. It was a large turkey so we will be having leftovers for a while. Of course after Jim stripped the meat from the rack and made soup. Carol said it was the best ever he made.
On Friday after Thanksgiving we were still going to go to the YMCA for our exercise routines, but Jim got up at 5:45 AM (without setting the alarm) and went to Walmart to see if he could get a small sewing machine for Carol. It was a little wild and crowded there but he was lucky and got the last one. Carol's Bernina machine is so heavy, it is difficult to take it out of the cabinet and go to her quilting meetings with it. So this lighter machine will make it much easier and it will be better for the expensive Bernina.
I thought I would show some of the SCUBA video taken while diving in St Thomas. This was taken with a little cheap underwater camera I got earlier this year and I am still amazed at how good it shows the diving experience.
On Friday after Thanksgiving we were still going to go to the YMCA for our exercise routines, but Jim got up at 5:45 AM (without setting the alarm) and went to Walmart to see if he could get a small sewing machine for Carol. It was a little wild and crowded there but he was lucky and got the last one. Carol's Bernina machine is so heavy, it is difficult to take it out of the cabinet and go to her quilting meetings with it. So this lighter machine will make it much easier and it will be better for the expensive Bernina.
I thought I would show some of the SCUBA video taken while diving in St Thomas. This was taken with a little cheap underwater camera I got earlier this year and I am still amazed at how good it shows the diving experience.
Yes, that is me in the background chasing along with the turtle. I really appreciated Peter, the dive master, for taking my camera to get this video.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Great Pancakes
Saturday was our first pancake breakfast of the season and we had sold 80 tickets for it. Our very capable crew did their normal fantastic job mixing up scrambled eggs, frying sausage and flipping pancakes and virtually everyone was served before 9 AM. Even though we start serving at 8:30 AM some were lined up at the door well before that.
There was a bake sale going on at the same time and they sold $113.00 of cakes etc. to benefit the Litigation Fund.
That evening Carol and I got together with Marilyn and Gus Lopes, Bob and Terry King and went to dinner at La Rocca (previously My Father's Place) and had a nice dinner. The food was very good ... Carol had the fried calamari appetizer and I had a rack of baby back ribs. Their prices are very reasonable as I spent less than $28.00 including the tip. Of course we did not have any drinks as were going to do that later!!
We danced the remaining of the evening away at Harbor Isles, the park next to ours. Jay Smith was playing and our group really enjoys his music. I guess we are senior groupies because we see him about once per month.
I spent Sunday getting the Hazelwood reunion mailing list cleaned up so I can send out post cards and e-mails about the 2011 reunion. There are about 180 postcards to send and 180 e-mails. The e-mails are the easy ones but printing, addressing and sending out the postcards is the time consuming job. I am hoping for a good return on each.
Happy turkey day .... Ours is thawing and we are going to have Carol's sister Gail over for dinner. I think she is bringing her gentleman friend too.
There was a bake sale going on at the same time and they sold $113.00 of cakes etc. to benefit the Litigation Fund.
That evening Carol and I got together with Marilyn and Gus Lopes, Bob and Terry King and went to dinner at La Rocca (previously My Father's Place) and had a nice dinner. The food was very good ... Carol had the fried calamari appetizer and I had a rack of baby back ribs. Their prices are very reasonable as I spent less than $28.00 including the tip. Of course we did not have any drinks as were going to do that later!!
We danced the remaining of the evening away at Harbor Isles, the park next to ours. Jay Smith was playing and our group really enjoys his music. I guess we are senior groupies because we see him about once per month.
I spent Sunday getting the Hazelwood reunion mailing list cleaned up so I can send out post cards and e-mails about the 2011 reunion. There are about 180 postcards to send and 180 e-mails. The e-mails are the easy ones but printing, addressing and sending out the postcards is the time consuming job. I am hoping for a good return on each.
Happy turkey day .... Ours is thawing and we are going to have Carol's sister Gail over for dinner. I think she is bringing her gentleman friend too.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Our shells arrive
Before we left St Thomas we sent the shells I found while SCUBA diving by Priority Mail because we didn't have the room for them in our luggage. The other reason was because one of the shells still had a part of a dead critter in it and it was beginning to really reek. We did pack it inside a zip-lock bag to keep odor contained.
Yesterday the package finally arrived and the mailman came to the door with it. When I answered the door I said "We finally are getting our shells from St Thomas." He handed me the box and the other mail and said "This box really smells bad!!" And it really did reek but not as bad as when I opened it. I took the stinker shell out and hosed it down in the yard and got all of the dead stuff out of it and then soaked all three shells in a weak mixture of Clorox.
Today I got the biggest one cleaned of the stuff that clings to the shells and then took a couple of pictures of it with Carol holding it. If you want to see the picture larger, just click on it.

Yesterday the package finally arrived and the mailman came to the door with it. When I answered the door I said "We finally are getting our shells from St Thomas." He handed me the box and the other mail and said "This box really smells bad!!" And it really did reek but not as bad as when I opened it. I took the stinker shell out and hosed it down in the yard and got all of the dead stuff out of it and then soaked all three shells in a weak mixture of Clorox.
Today I got the biggest one cleaned of the stuff that clings to the shells and then took a couple of pictures of it with Carol holding it. If you want to see the picture larger, just click on it.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Party party
We had a great time at the party last night and it seemed everyone also did. I surprised the crowd by attending in my Navy Officer Whites complete with sword. Since it was a party to recognize veterans, I set up the Hazelwood ship model and hung up the reunion flag folding it so the word reunion did not show. It was located just as guests came in so I "manned the quarterdeck" and greeted all the guests. It was fun for me and a surprise for those attending. Just before dinner I did change out of my dress whites and went into my Tropical Whites (short sleeves like a Top Gun uniform) and that made it much more comfortable. That is Carol with John and Mary Lou Serafin our friends from Trafford who live near us.

The food prepared by Marilyn Lopes was very good and the musical entertainment was also excellent.
We got home about 10 PM and went to bed shortly afterwards. Jim and Donna Henry spent the night with us and in the morning we had coffee, conversation and a good time visiting. When they left for church, we also left and headed up to Anna Maria Island for a SCUBA "Grab the Crabs" picnic.
Those divers who had got a stone crab claw recently, entered it in the contest and the largest claw winner won first choice at a very fine array of SCUBA equipment. After they got their prizes, tickets were drawn out as a raffle for the remaining stuff. One of our tickets got drawn out after a while and I got a retractable reel that I had been looking at. Not a bad prize but I was a little late to get anything better. Our second ticket was not drawn out until the very last draw. That has happened to us so often we are getting used to it. We did get a few other small things that are OK.
The meal was fresh grouper bites and barbecue pork and the trimmings. An OK meal but not the level of Marilyn's!!!
We both were tired driving home and rested the rest of the day.
The food prepared by Marilyn Lopes was very good and the musical entertainment was also excellent.
We got home about 10 PM and went to bed shortly afterwards. Jim and Donna Henry spent the night with us and in the morning we had coffee, conversation and a good time visiting. When they left for church, we also left and headed up to Anna Maria Island for a SCUBA "Grab the Crabs" picnic.
Those divers who had got a stone crab claw recently, entered it in the contest and the largest claw winner won first choice at a very fine array of SCUBA equipment. After they got their prizes, tickets were drawn out as a raffle for the remaining stuff. One of our tickets got drawn out after a while and I got a retractable reel that I had been looking at. Not a bad prize but I was a little late to get anything better. Our second ticket was not drawn out until the very last draw. That has happened to us so often we are getting used to it. We did get a few other small things that are OK.
The meal was fresh grouper bites and barbecue pork and the trimmings. An OK meal but not the level of Marilyn's!!!
We both were tired driving home and rested the rest of the day.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Home again
Wow, it has been over a week since I posted anything on here!!
Well we got back home on Saturday NOV 7 and got right back into the swing of things here. Sunday was mostly getting unpacked and resting. Monday was YMCA, racquetball for me and aerobics for Carol. I guess I was really rested up because I played some of my best racquetball in a year. Monday was also "get the mail" and go through all of it. Tuesday was bowling as it started a week earlier and we missed the first session. The highlight of bowling for Carol is going to lunch afterwards!!!
Wednesday Carol had a breakfast to attend and I was at the Y in the morning and the still getting caught up on mail stuff and getting ready for a Veterans Day program that our community was having in the afternoon. I took the model of the Hazelwood (the ship I served on) and put it on display at the event. It was a real nice program and it a shame that more folks did not attend.
Thursday I attended a Tin Can Sailors meeting and lunch at the Legion. Naturally there was a lot of sea stories and general "bull" going on. It is a nice bunch of guys and we all have the common experience of serving on a Tin Can (Navy Destroyer). And then on Thursday evening I call bingo at our clubhouse. I enjoy it and the attendees seem to enjoy me calling. Carol won one game so it was not a total lose for the evening.
And here it is Friday evening already. We went to the Y again this morning (8AM - 9 AM)and the went to the clubhouse to help getting set up for a dinner dance this Saturday evening. It is to celebrate Veterans Day as well as to a have a lot of fun, food and dancing. I set up the ship model again and we will have Jim and Donna Henry, friends from Tampa and John and Mary Lou Serafin (Trafford friends who live nearby) join us at the party. I expect I will have some pictures of the party to post on my next entry on this Diary.
Till then, keep smiling!!
Well we got back home on Saturday NOV 7 and got right back into the swing of things here. Sunday was mostly getting unpacked and resting. Monday was YMCA, racquetball for me and aerobics for Carol. I guess I was really rested up because I played some of my best racquetball in a year. Monday was also "get the mail" and go through all of it. Tuesday was bowling as it started a week earlier and we missed the first session. The highlight of bowling for Carol is going to lunch afterwards!!!
Wednesday Carol had a breakfast to attend and I was at the Y in the morning and the still getting caught up on mail stuff and getting ready for a Veterans Day program that our community was having in the afternoon. I took the model of the Hazelwood (the ship I served on) and put it on display at the event. It was a real nice program and it a shame that more folks did not attend.
Thursday I attended a Tin Can Sailors meeting and lunch at the Legion. Naturally there was a lot of sea stories and general "bull" going on. It is a nice bunch of guys and we all have the common experience of serving on a Tin Can (Navy Destroyer). And then on Thursday evening I call bingo at our clubhouse. I enjoy it and the attendees seem to enjoy me calling. Carol won one game so it was not a total lose for the evening.
And here it is Friday evening already. We went to the Y again this morning (8AM - 9 AM)and the went to the clubhouse to help getting set up for a dinner dance this Saturday evening. It is to celebrate Veterans Day as well as to a have a lot of fun, food and dancing. I set up the ship model again and we will have Jim and Donna Henry, friends from Tampa and John and Mary Lou Serafin (Trafford friends who live nearby) join us at the party. I expect I will have some pictures of the party to post on my next entry on this Diary.
Till then, keep smiling!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Still having fun
Monday and Tuesday Hank and went diving both days. All 4 dives were really good ones.
On Monday we saw a couple of turtles and got some video of them. Also saw several Moray eels and lobster. I found a couple of conch shells that were not great but at least they did not have any “residents” in them. On the second dive we went through several tunnels and on one very small diameter one I had a tight time getting through. I didn’t panic since there were 4 others to help me if I got stuck. I worked my way through without any help!!! Also saw 2 turtles and got some good video of it. I got two smaller conch shells
On Tuesday we did 2 dives also and Peter was not available so we had a different captain on the boat. He was quite good also. On these dives we were around a lot of ledges and overhangs and on the second dive I even went into a small cave. We saw several large lobsters but we are not allowed to take any of them home for dinner!!! I did find a very nice large pink conch that was nearly totally buried in the sand. It did not have a resident and I brought it up. Carol was very pleased with it. It does require a lot of cleaning.
So now we have 3 shells to bring home and naturally they stink yet. We are going to get a Priority Mail box and ship them back to us along with some smaller shells and a rock Carol found.
On Monday we saw a couple of turtles and got some video of them. Also saw several Moray eels and lobster. I found a couple of conch shells that were not great but at least they did not have any “residents” in them. On the second dive we went through several tunnels and on one very small diameter one I had a tight time getting through. I didn’t panic since there were 4 others to help me if I got stuck. I worked my way through without any help!!! Also saw 2 turtles and got some good video of it. I got two smaller conch shells
On Tuesday we did 2 dives also and Peter was not available so we had a different captain on the boat. He was quite good also. On these dives we were around a lot of ledges and overhangs and on the second dive I even went into a small cave. We saw several large lobsters but we are not allowed to take any of them home for dinner!!! I did find a very nice large pink conch that was nearly totally buried in the sand. It did not have a resident and I brought it up. Carol was very pleased with it. It does require a lot of cleaning.
So now we have 3 shells to bring home and naturally they stink yet. We are going to get a Priority Mail box and ship them back to us along with some smaller shells and a rock Carol found.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Enjoying St Thomas
Thursday and Friday were days to rest. We were going to go to Magens Bay on Thursday but Carol felt a little punky so we just loafed around the pool here at the Castle. There were very few people around probably because of the large number of rooms being renovated here. I did get to look in one of the rooms being renovated and they are doing a major renovation; moving partitions and changing plumbing etc. The pool bar is still closed but getting ready to open up shortly.
Friday we picked up Hank and David and went to Magens Bay for the afternoon. David never had been there and if you have not seen it it is worth at least one trip. There were no crowds because there were no ships in. While in the water at waist depth I did see a 3 foot long barracuda swim by. There were not many other fish around and maybe that was why!!!
Carol and went to the Room With A View for their new happy hour. Five dollar wine and $5 appetizers. Too good a deal to pass up. Carol had some fried fish and I had the Calamari Provencal. Both are excellent.
This is Halloween and we plan on going to the Green House for dinner and may get to see some good costumes. It will give us the chance to see our friend Doug who is the night manager there.
Tomorrow is moving day for Hank and I will pick him up to bring him here to the Castle. We are lucky because we are going to be able to stay in the same unit and will not have to move. Hurrray, no packing and unpacking to do.
Friday we picked up Hank and David and went to Magens Bay for the afternoon. David never had been there and if you have not seen it it is worth at least one trip. There were no crowds because there were no ships in. While in the water at waist depth I did see a 3 foot long barracuda swim by. There were not many other fish around and maybe that was why!!!
Carol and went to the Room With A View for their new happy hour. Five dollar wine and $5 appetizers. Too good a deal to pass up. Carol had some fried fish and I had the Calamari Provencal. Both are excellent.
This is Halloween and we plan on going to the Green House for dinner and may get to see some good costumes. It will give us the chance to see our friend Doug who is the night manager there.
Tomorrow is moving day for Hank and I will pick him up to bring him here to the Castle. We are lucky because we are going to be able to stay in the same unit and will not have to move. Hurrray, no packing and unpacking to do.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dive, Dive!!!!
On Monday Hank and I met up with Peter at Coki Beach and went on our first two dives of ten planned. There was only one other diver with us but Peter and his new “helper” dove with us. The water was a little rough and we went to Grass Cay and dove on Mary’s Mounds. Down to 65 feet for 42 minutes. Got some decent pictures with the new camera and here a couple.

We then went to Mingo Cay and dove the Mingo Mounds. Another good dive for 40 minutes.
On Wednesday I had a new battery in my dive computer so I got good information on the dives. We dove a Congo Cay and Mingo again. At Congo there was a lot of surge and the bottom was covered with Coral fans and other soft coral waving in the surge. Very pretty but I didn’t take any pictures of it. I did see about 6 nice big conch but each one had a resident and I had to leave them on the bottom. We went to 77 feet, my deepest dive to date.
At Mingo we saw a sea turtle and several barracuda. Went to 64 feet for 43 minutes. Water temperature is at 83 degrees and I have not been using a wet suit.
We now rest until Monday and will do 3 days of diving next week.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Day of the Dolphins
We were up early and caught the 830 AM ferry to Tortola BVI so we could swim with the dolphins. We got to Tortola about 945AM and our scheduled time with the Dolphins was 10 AM but we got a cab and arrived a minute early!! No problem, mon!!!
This was a really fun thing to do. There was only one other couple with us and it made it like our own private show. They had us put flotation vests on and we stood on a platform about waist deep in the very large pool. We got to pet the 2 dolphins. Shake hands with them, kiss them and even dance with them.
The real fun part was going out from the platform and floating with our arms extended and then the dolphins came up from behind on each side of us. We grabbed to their dorsal fin and they towed us back to the platform. Quite a ride. It got even better though.

The next time we floated lying flat with our legs extended behind us. The dolphins then came up from behind, placed their noses on the soles of our feet and pushed. They pushed you so you could actually stand up while being pushed along in the water. The one gal got pushed so high it looked like she was standing on the water.
Naturally they took video of this entire episode and it was so good we could not resist getting one. They did a high class job on the video and we will enjoy looking at it.
Tomorrow, Hank and I will be going on our first of 10 SCUBA dives.
This was a really fun thing to do. There was only one other couple with us and it made it like our own private show. They had us put flotation vests on and we stood on a platform about waist deep in the very large pool. We got to pet the 2 dolphins. Shake hands with them, kiss them and even dance with them.

The real fun part was going out from the platform and floating with our arms extended and then the dolphins came up from behind on each side of us. We grabbed to their dorsal fin and they towed us back to the platform. Quite a ride. It got even better though.

The next time we floated lying flat with our legs extended behind us. The dolphins then came up from behind, placed their noses on the soles of our feet and pushed. They pushed you so you could actually stand up while being pushed along in the water. The one gal got pushed so high it looked like she was standing on the water.
Naturally they took video of this entire episode and it was so good we could not resist getting one. They did a high class job on the video and we will enjoy looking at it.
Tomorrow, Hank and I will be going on our first of 10 SCUBA dives.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Great Start
We went to Bluebeards Beach Club to visit with Hank and his brother. Naturally the weather was great but there was a little higher surf and it was not very good for snorkeling as I found out later. Saw our friends from Albuquerque and visited with them also. We attended the Vendors presentations for the various trips and things to do while here. And wouldn’t you know it, Carol won a 2-for-1 trip to Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands. We have been there in the past but it is a good trip and worth going to see again.
We had lunch there and then came back to rest up for our next day of fun.
We had lunch there and then came back to rest up for our next day of fun.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Bluebeard’s Castle Arrival
Wow, we got a fine room at the Marriott. We got a room at the section called Morning Star. It is right on the beach and we spent most of our time under an umbrella on the beach reading and snoozing. I did go snorkeling some and took some pictures of the stuff I saw. It was a little tough getting good pictures because of the surge of the surf and it was tough seeing the picture-to-be in the display of the camera. I did see some squid and got a few good shots of them.
Last year Carol won a buy-one-get-one-free “Swim with the dolphins” at Tortola in the British VI. She called and got us an appointment for Monday. Sounds like it will be fun.
They had a cocktail party Friday evening and of course we took them up on their margaritas and snacks. They were trying to get people interested in their very nice timeshare which of course was of no interest to us.
On Saturday morning I went to the airport and picked up or rental car ….. It turned our to be a Jeep and is the best car I ever had in St Thomas!! Went back to Morningstar and checked out and then we stopped at Havensight to do a little shopping. I could not resist a new underwater camera that I feel will be easier to use underwater.
We then went to Bluebeards Castle about noon and lo and behold our room was ready to check in to. After unloading the car and getting set up in the room we went to the airport to pick up Hank, the fellow who bought our timeshares. He also brought his brother with him. On the way to the Beachclub where they are staying, we stopped and did grocery shopping. After dropping them at the Beachclub we came back to the Castle. We had a very light dinner in the room and watched the one ship depart.
Tomorrow we will go to the beach club and loaf at the beach.
Last year Carol won a buy-one-get-one-free “Swim with the dolphins” at Tortola in the British VI. She called and got us an appointment for Monday. Sounds like it will be fun.
They had a cocktail party Friday evening and of course we took them up on their margaritas and snacks. They were trying to get people interested in their very nice timeshare which of course was of no interest to us.
On Saturday morning I went to the airport and picked up or rental car ….. It turned our to be a Jeep and is the best car I ever had in St Thomas!! Went back to Morningstar and checked out and then we stopped at Havensight to do a little shopping. I could not resist a new underwater camera that I feel will be easier to use underwater.
We then went to Bluebeards Castle about noon and lo and behold our room was ready to check in to. After unloading the car and getting set up in the room we went to the airport to pick up Hank, the fellow who bought our timeshares. He also brought his brother with him. On the way to the Beachclub where they are staying, we stopped and did grocery shopping. After dropping them at the Beachclub we came back to the Castle. We had a very light dinner in the room and watched the one ship depart.
Tomorrow we will go to the beach club and loaf at the beach.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Old Folks Fun
So far we have just been chilling in Puerto Rico and recharging our batteries. But we did take advantage of the sliding board at the pool that is for both kids and adults.
We left the resort at 730 AM to head for the airport and go through the morning rush hour traffic. It took less than an hour and it was not a bad ride. The airport was very low in activity and we sailed through the check-in and security. Our flight departed at 1015 AM and we landed at St Thomas at 1045 AM. Not even time for a cup of coffee!!
Naturally when we got to the Marriott so early our room was not ready so we checked our bags and had a light lunch. Carol is now napping in a comfortable chair in the lobby while we wait for our room.
More later!!
We left the resort at 730 AM to head for the airport and go through the morning rush hour traffic. It took less than an hour and it was not a bad ride. The airport was very low in activity and we sailed through the check-in and security. Our flight departed at 1015 AM and we landed at St Thomas at 1045 AM. Not even time for a cup of coffee!!
Naturally when we got to the Marriott so early our room was not ready so we checked our bags and had a light lunch. Carol is now napping in a comfortable chair in the lobby while we wait for our room.
More later!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
In sunny San Juan
We arrived in San Juan Saturday afternoon, after a short delay taking off from Miami, with good weather and warm temperatures. The Rio Mar Beach Resort is a very nice resort but we expected a Studio rather than a hotel room. It is a nice room but no refrig or stove as we like to have.
They have a casino and 5 places to eat right here at the resort. We are right on the Atlantic beach and have 2 pools also. We plan on staying here at the resort the entire time rather than taking any tours etc
.. We just want to have some time to really relax and we are getting it.
Spent most all day at the pool today and had lunch there also. Good Rum punches were also available. We did take a short dip in the Atlantic and Carol got dumped over by the surf a couple of times. Luckily she did not lose glasses which she forgot to take off!!

We will depart Thursday for our 2 weeks plus in St Thomas.
They have a casino and 5 places to eat right here at the resort. We are right on the Atlantic beach and have 2 pools also. We plan on staying here at the resort the entire time rather than taking any tours etc
Spent most all day at the pool today and had lunch there also. Good Rum punches were also available. We did take a short dip in the Atlantic and Carol got dumped over by the surf a couple of times. Luckily she did not lose glasses which she forgot to take off!!
We will depart Thursday for our 2 weeks plus in St Thomas.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Here we go again!
We just got back from Las Vegas last Thursday night and we are now filling up the suitcases getting ready to head for the "Islands" on Saturday. We depart from Miami Saturday and go to San Juan for 5 days at a high class resort ... at least that is what they told us!! I have looked at their website and even looked at it using Google Earth and it does look like a 5 star place. Naturally they are going to try to sell us something but they are not going to have any luck.
After 5 nights we leave and fly to St Thomas and will be there 16 days. The first 2 nights we are going to stay at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef because our reservations at Bluebeards Castle doesn't start until Saturday 10/24. Even though our stay will be at the Castle, we will probably spend a good bit of time at Bluebeards Beach Club because of their great beach.
I am planning to do a lot of SCUBA diving with my friend from Lake George, NY. I am expecting to get in at least 10 dives and maybe more. I expect to take some underwater pictures with a camera I got earlier this year and if they look good I will put them on this blog when we return. I am not sure if I am going to have Internet capabilities while there so you may not hear from me for a while.
Last year we won a "Swim With The Dolphins" deal in the British Virgin Islands so we are going to work that into our schedule too. I have a feeling Carol will find some time to go shopping too!!
We get home on November 7 and will rest up for a party at our clubhouse on the 14th.
Retirement is sure a busy time!!!!!
After 5 nights we leave and fly to St Thomas and will be there 16 days. The first 2 nights we are going to stay at the Marriott Frenchman's Reef because our reservations at Bluebeards Castle doesn't start until Saturday 10/24. Even though our stay will be at the Castle, we will probably spend a good bit of time at Bluebeards Beach Club because of their great beach.
I am planning to do a lot of SCUBA diving with my friend from Lake George, NY. I am expecting to get in at least 10 dives and maybe more. I expect to take some underwater pictures with a camera I got earlier this year and if they look good I will put them on this blog when we return. I am not sure if I am going to have Internet capabilities while there so you may not hear from me for a while.
Last year we won a "Swim With The Dolphins" deal in the British Virgin Islands so we are going to work that into our schedule too. I have a feeling Carol will find some time to go shopping too!!
We get home on November 7 and will rest up for a party at our clubhouse on the 14th.
Retirement is sure a busy time!!!!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Las Vegas
We left Tampa at 720 AM on Tuesday morning to head to Las Vegas for 2 nights and catch a couple of shows. After arriving about noon and checking into the Riviera we wandered the strip a little. I had already made reservations for the Terry Fator show at the Mirage for this evening so we didn't go very far. We did sign up for our Riviera gambling cards and that got us 2 free tickets to the Russian Ice show at the Riviera for the following evening. That was a good deal ..... Since we did not intend to do any gambling anyway. The tickets normally cost $90 each. Carol did some relaxing before we went out.
We had an early dinner and walked down to the Mirage to see the show. It was an excellent show. Terry Fator won a Million Dollars on the America's Got Talent show and he is a big hit in Vegas. Show was sold out.
The next morning we decided to walk all the way down the strip. We wandered the Venetian and it is beautiful place. Also took a ride up the Paris Eiffel tower (replica) for a great view of the city.
By the time we got to the MGM Grand we were getting tired and stopped for a late lunch/early dinner at the Outback. Even carried some leftovers back since we had a refrigerator in the room.
The Ice show started at 8 PM and was excellent. They did more strange and different things on skates than we expected. Not the normal Olympic type skating. Gals were skating on stilts, guys were juggling and skating, they did circus type springboard jumps to a chair on a pole, one gal was spinning hoola-hoops while skating around.
We got to bed early and left LV at noon their time and arrived back home around midnight. A fun 2 days in Vegas but I had to "wave" goodbye to the Crazy Girls at the Riviera.
From Las Vegas 10-2009 |
We had an early dinner and walked down to the Mirage to see the show. It was an excellent show. Terry Fator won a Million Dollars on the America's Got Talent show and he is a big hit in Vegas. Show was sold out.
The next morning we decided to walk all the way down the strip. We wandered the Venetian and it is beautiful place. Also took a ride up the Paris Eiffel tower (replica) for a great view of the city.
From Las Vegas 10-2009 |
By the time we got to the MGM Grand we were getting tired and stopped for a late lunch/early dinner at the Outback. Even carried some leftovers back since we had a refrigerator in the room.
The Ice show started at 8 PM and was excellent. They did more strange and different things on skates than we expected. Not the normal Olympic type skating. Gals were skating on stilts, guys were juggling and skating, they did circus type springboard jumps to a chair on a pole, one gal was spinning hoola-hoops while skating around.
We got to bed early and left LV at noon their time and arrived back home around midnight. A fun 2 days in Vegas but I had to "wave" goodbye to the Crazy Girls at the Riviera.
From Las Vegas 10-2009 |
Friday, October 2, 2009
The A/C Caper
In January we had an air conditioning company check out our unit since it was such a good deal!!! Only $49 for a complete check. When they were checking they said I had 2 electrical relays that showed signs of significant arcing and should be replaced to prevent any major failure. I should have been suspicious when I was told it would be $250 per relay!! I agree to replace one, cheap ole' me!! The relay's final price was $216.00 (He gave me a discount!!)
About 2 weeks ago we had some other problems with the unit and I called a company recommended by friends of ours. While servicing the unit Carol told them about the relay being replaced (I was not at home). She showed him the relay that had been removed and I had kept and he said there was nothing wrong with it and they rarely fail. He also said we had been overcharged since they should only cost about $50.00.
I went to a local Trane service center and got the price of a new relay and found it was $56.25. I then called the A/C company and asked if they had a copy of the invoice as I had only my credit card statement. When I drove to Bradenton to get it, I asked to see the manager because I was not satisfied with their service. He was not in but would call me in about an hour.
After 24 hours and no phone call, I wrote a letter with all of the details and asked for a refund since they: 1. Did a telemarketing call to us even though we are on the Do Not Call List, 2. Used Bait and Switch to get me to buy a relay that was not needed, 3. Priced Gouged me by charging $216 for a $56 relay. I sent the letter Certified with a return receipt and also sent a copy to the Better Business Bureau. I asked for refund of the $216.
After three days and no response I called but he was not there and I asked for him to call me. I about an hour I got a call and was told my credit card would be credited for the $216. HOORAY!!!!!!
After 2 more days the credit finally showed up on my on-line statement.
Just another day in the life and times of of the Julian's!!!!
By the way the service by the second company was far superior to the first and was a lot less costly. I will continue using them.
About 2 weeks ago we had some other problems with the unit and I called a company recommended by friends of ours. While servicing the unit Carol told them about the relay being replaced (I was not at home). She showed him the relay that had been removed and I had kept and he said there was nothing wrong with it and they rarely fail. He also said we had been overcharged since they should only cost about $50.00.
I went to a local Trane service center and got the price of a new relay and found it was $56.25. I then called the A/C company and asked if they had a copy of the invoice as I had only my credit card statement. When I drove to Bradenton to get it, I asked to see the manager because I was not satisfied with their service. He was not in but would call me in about an hour.
After 24 hours and no phone call, I wrote a letter with all of the details and asked for a refund since they: 1. Did a telemarketing call to us even though we are on the Do Not Call List, 2. Used Bait and Switch to get me to buy a relay that was not needed, 3. Priced Gouged me by charging $216 for a $56 relay. I sent the letter Certified with a return receipt and also sent a copy to the Better Business Bureau. I asked for refund of the $216.
After three days and no response I called but he was not there and I asked for him to call me. I about an hour I got a call and was told my credit card would be credited for the $216. HOORAY!!!!!!
After 2 more days the credit finally showed up on my on-line statement.
Just another day in the life and times of of the Julian's!!!!
By the way the service by the second company was far superior to the first and was a lot less costly. I will continue using them.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sailing, sailing (in 2010)
Last week I saw an ad in the paper about a cruise from Miami that went all the way to Rome!! It is a 14 day cruise plus 4 days in Rome in a hotel and two tours of Rome. It also includes bus transportation from here to Miami, air fare back to Miami and bus back to here. The prices they were showing seemed quite good, so we made arrangements to go to the travel agency and talk to them about it today. It all came out as advertised and we have made the reservations. We got a Cabin on the 8th deck with a balcony and we are in the forward 1/4 of the ship. It is the Navigator of the Seas by Royal Caribbean.
We leave on April 10, cruise at sea for 7 days (I'll think I am back in the Navy!!) and then dock in Tenerife, Canary Islands on April 18 for the day. Two more days at sea before we arrive at Barcelona, Spain on April 21 (9AM - 5 PM). On the 22nd of April we spend 9 AM - 8 PM in Nice and get to see the Riviera and maybe Monaco. On the 23rd we arrive in Florence/Pisa (Livorno), Italy for the day (7 AM - 6 PM). We finally arrive in Rome (Civitaveccia) Italy on the 24th of April. It is about 35 miles from Rome.
We leave the ship there and are transported to the hotel getting 2 hour Rome Highlights Orientation tour en route. The next day we get "The Official Angels & Demons Path of Illumination 4 hour tour in Rome. I guess the Angels & Demons is the sequel to The Da Vinci Code. Now I am going to have to read it and or see the movie!!!
The next 2 days (April 26 & 27) we are on our own in Rome and I am sure we will arrange for a tour of some kind each day. We depart on the 28th and fly back to Miami to get the bus to here. Depending when the flight gets in we may decide to stay the night. Most flights arrive quite late at night. I am hoping it is not one of those that fly through the night!!
Sounds like the overall trip will be fun. Carol will be happy now that she has finally been to Italy
We leave on April 10, cruise at sea for 7 days (I'll think I am back in the Navy!!) and then dock in Tenerife, Canary Islands on April 18 for the day. Two more days at sea before we arrive at Barcelona, Spain on April 21 (9AM - 5 PM). On the 22nd of April we spend 9 AM - 8 PM in Nice and get to see the Riviera and maybe Monaco. On the 23rd we arrive in Florence/Pisa (Livorno), Italy for the day (7 AM - 6 PM). We finally arrive in Rome (Civitaveccia) Italy on the 24th of April. It is about 35 miles from Rome.
We leave the ship there and are transported to the hotel getting 2 hour Rome Highlights Orientation tour en route. The next day we get "The Official Angels & Demons Path of Illumination 4 hour tour in Rome. I guess the Angels & Demons is the sequel to The Da Vinci Code. Now I am going to have to read it and or see the movie!!!
The next 2 days (April 26 & 27) we are on our own in Rome and I am sure we will arrange for a tour of some kind each day. We depart on the 28th and fly back to Miami to get the bus to here. Depending when the flight gets in we may decide to stay the night. Most flights arrive quite late at night. I am hoping it is not one of those that fly through the night!!
Sounds like the overall trip will be fun. Carol will be happy now that she has finally been to Italy
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Water bill resolution
Hooray, I got a letter from the Water Company on Thursday and they agreed to reduce out bill by $83.60 Which is nearly all of the sewer charge. That sure helps a lot. I hope I never have another leak like that.
Yesterday, we went on an all day outing to Cayo Costa State Park. It is an island park and only accessible by boat. We went to Punta Gorda and got got underway at 9 AM in the morning and headed down the Peace River. Along the way we were give a history of the area and they we got a couple of Dolphin shows put on by the local dolphins!!! At on time we had 4 dolphins on one side and three on the other. Thee were even several young one swimming and jumping along with us. I did not take a camera so there are no pictures to show.
We arrived at Cayo Costa at 11 AM ..... yep, a 2 hour boat ride!! There are no concessions on the island so we brought our own lunch and drinks. They say the shelling is superior on the island. I brought my snorkel gear and when I went in the water I found the visibility only about 5 or 6 feet. Most of the good shell were in water at least that deep so they were hard to see. Also I did not bring any weights as I had trouble diving down and staying down to get any of them. I need to wear about 8 pounds of weight to make my snorkel dives done more easily. I still found some good shells in the shallow waster and on the beach.
One of the interesting ones was a Purple Spined Urchin. I always see them alive in the water but we found several dead ones on shore. When they die and dry, the spines are easily brushed off and there remains a very fragile shell that looks like a hollow ball with one opening. I also found a near dead Lightning Whelk. It looks like a small conch shell.
Since it had the "animal" in it I tried one of methods I found which is freezing it overnight, thawing and pulling the animal out. I did not get it all out so I then boiled it for a while and now I think I have it all out .... If not It will stink to high heaven.
I found a great site to identify the shells and how to clean and preserve them. You can look at the site at seashells.org.
We got picked up at 2:30 PM and after another 2 plus hours on the boat we got home. We did have a small dolphin show on the way back. They had a drawing just before we landed and Carol won us another boat trip. They have a number of different ones so we will have to chose which one we go on the next time. Darn, I'll have to my own way!!!!
It was definitely a fun day but we were tired when we got home.
Yesterday, we went on an all day outing to Cayo Costa State Park. It is an island park and only accessible by boat. We went to Punta Gorda and got got underway at 9 AM in the morning and headed down the Peace River. Along the way we were give a history of the area and they we got a couple of Dolphin shows put on by the local dolphins!!! At on time we had 4 dolphins on one side and three on the other. Thee were even several young one swimming and jumping along with us. I did not take a camera so there are no pictures to show.
We arrived at Cayo Costa at 11 AM ..... yep, a 2 hour boat ride!! There are no concessions on the island so we brought our own lunch and drinks. They say the shelling is superior on the island. I brought my snorkel gear and when I went in the water I found the visibility only about 5 or 6 feet. Most of the good shell were in water at least that deep so they were hard to see. Also I did not bring any weights as I had trouble diving down and staying down to get any of them. I need to wear about 8 pounds of weight to make my snorkel dives done more easily. I still found some good shells in the shallow waster and on the beach.
One of the interesting ones was a Purple Spined Urchin. I always see them alive in the water but we found several dead ones on shore. When they die and dry, the spines are easily brushed off and there remains a very fragile shell that looks like a hollow ball with one opening. I also found a near dead Lightning Whelk. It looks like a small conch shell.
Since it had the "animal" in it I tried one of methods I found which is freezing it overnight, thawing and pulling the animal out. I did not get it all out so I then boiled it for a while and now I think I have it all out .... If not It will stink to high heaven.
I found a great site to identify the shells and how to clean and preserve them. You can look at the site at seashells.org.
We got picked up at 2:30 PM and after another 2 plus hours on the boat we got home. We did have a small dolphin show on the way back. They had a drawing just before we landed and Carol won us another boat trip. They have a number of different ones so we will have to chose which one we go on the next time. Darn, I'll have to my own way!!!!
It was definitely a fun day but we were tired when we got home.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A WOW of a water bill!!!
We got our water bill today and it was for a whopping 17,000 gallons of water and $216.00!!!!! The billing period was for most of the time we were out out town and had our water turned off at the entry to the house. A safety precaution we take when traveling.
After I had put the sink in several weeks ago, we found a leaking pressure relief valve near the shut off valve. This was on Tuesday after I had completed the sink job on Sunday evening. I shut off the water and got a new valve and replaced it. There was no evidence of any extended leaking as the ground was not a "swimming pool'" under the house. I expected some additional cost for the leak but not a plus 16,000 gallons. We normally use about 1 to 2 thousand gallons per month.
Just to give you an idea of the amount of water 16,000 gallons is. It is a small swimming pool .... 20 ft x 20 ft and slightly over 5 feet deep!!! That would fill our lanai 5 feet deep. I know we had a leak but I didn't think it was anywhere near that amount.
I did email the water company and explained all that I could and I am hoping that they make some adjustment. At least we should not have to pay for the sewerage charge which is $90.00. The leak did not go down the sewer!!!!
Stuff happens!!!!!
After I had put the sink in several weeks ago, we found a leaking pressure relief valve near the shut off valve. This was on Tuesday after I had completed the sink job on Sunday evening. I shut off the water and got a new valve and replaced it. There was no evidence of any extended leaking as the ground was not a "swimming pool'" under the house. I expected some additional cost for the leak but not a plus 16,000 gallons. We normally use about 1 to 2 thousand gallons per month.
Just to give you an idea of the amount of water 16,000 gallons is. It is a small swimming pool .... 20 ft x 20 ft and slightly over 5 feet deep!!! That would fill our lanai 5 feet deep. I know we had a leak but I didn't think it was anywhere near that amount.
I did email the water company and explained all that I could and I am hoping that they make some adjustment. At least we should not have to pay for the sewerage charge which is $90.00. The leak did not go down the sewer!!!!
Stuff happens!!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Mini Trafford HS Reunion
Last week I called my Trafford buddy, John Serafin to let him know that I had joined the American Legion and he will get $5.00 from them since he recruited me. While talking to his wife, Mary Lou, we decided to go to the Venice Italian American Club for dinner on Friday, SEP 11.
They have great homemade sauce and they give us enough pasta for three meals all for $8.00 each!!! That includes 2 large meatballs or two pieces of sausage or one of each, plus salad and dessert.
I decided to surprise John at dinner by inviting another of our Trafford graduates. John had given me telephone number of Laverne Consoli (Lambert) about a year ago but I had never called her. She lives in Venice and is only about 8 miles from us. I also had found her listed in the Trafford directory that I got on CD about 6 months ago.
So I called her after not having spoken to her in over 50 years!!! Naturally she was quite surprised and was also very happy to join us for dinner. As it happened, John and Mary Lou got to the club just ahead of us and Laverne and her husband Gene arrived nearly at the same time as Carol and I. We had agreed that the first one there would call the other on the cell phone and when I called, I saw this gal walking toward me answer her cell phone. When she did I just said "You are looking at me!".
It was a great reunion and John was pleasantly surprised. Laverne and her husband have an RV Trailer and camp around the state some, so we are planning to get together for some camping together. She would also wants us to let her know when we are going to the Elks for dinner and dancing even though her husband does not dance (yet!!). Also during the winter some other Trafford Alum come to FL to visit with Laverne and we are going to try to make it an even larger mini reunion!!
All in all, it was a great experience to see old friends and talk about old times.
They have great homemade sauce and they give us enough pasta for three meals all for $8.00 each!!! That includes 2 large meatballs or two pieces of sausage or one of each, plus salad and dessert.
I decided to surprise John at dinner by inviting another of our Trafford graduates. John had given me telephone number of Laverne Consoli (Lambert) about a year ago but I had never called her. She lives in Venice and is only about 8 miles from us. I also had found her listed in the Trafford directory that I got on CD about 6 months ago.
So I called her after not having spoken to her in over 50 years!!! Naturally she was quite surprised and was also very happy to join us for dinner. As it happened, John and Mary Lou got to the club just ahead of us and Laverne and her husband Gene arrived nearly at the same time as Carol and I. We had agreed that the first one there would call the other on the cell phone and when I called, I saw this gal walking toward me answer her cell phone. When she did I just said "You are looking at me!".
It was a great reunion and John was pleasantly surprised. Laverne and her husband have an RV Trailer and camp around the state some, so we are planning to get together for some camping together. She would also wants us to let her know when we are going to the Elks for dinner and dancing even though her husband does not dance (yet!!). Also during the winter some other Trafford Alum come to FL to visit with Laverne and we are going to try to make it an even larger mini reunion!!
All in all, it was a great experience to see old friends and talk about old times.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A week (Plus) of fun
Well, we got Gail off to the airport on Sunday 08/30. The traffic sure was light at 5:30 in the morning!!
I made a drawer under the sink so we would not lose stuff there. Carol is really happy with the job. Then on Tuesday, she was on the carport and heard water running under the house!!! I found a pressure relief valve had failed and was leaking. So I was Mr Plumber-Fixit again and had it repaired in an hour or so.
The rest of the week was our normal stuff of YMCA on M-W-F.
On Friday evening we did go to the American Legion with our friends and had a good time eating, talking and dancing to the music of Jay Smith. We saw a lot of the group that also goes to the Elks to dance to Jay. He is a popular guy.
Sunday we picked up Gail at 6 PM but before we went to the airport we visited a mall in the area that Carol likes to shop at. Gail had good flights and a good visit with her son and family. At the Mall, I found a pair of Jockey underwear that were exceptionally comfortable when I tried them on after we got home!
On Labor Day we went to the Elks and had an afternoon buffet and danced to Jay Smith again .... and saw a lot of the same couples we saw at the Legion. We are just a bunch of older groupies I guess. We had our friends over for Derby Pie and drinks after the dance. All in all, a fun Labor Day.
Those Jockey's were so comfortable that we searched for them online to see if we could find some closer to us. The best we could do was another Jockey store about 35 miles from here. So we rode there on the motorcycle and then went to the beach restaurant for our favorite fish sandwich.
I made a drawer under the sink so we would not lose stuff there. Carol is really happy with the job. Then on Tuesday, she was on the carport and heard water running under the house!!! I found a pressure relief valve had failed and was leaking. So I was Mr Plumber-Fixit again and had it repaired in an hour or so.
The rest of the week was our normal stuff of YMCA on M-W-F.
On Friday evening we did go to the American Legion with our friends and had a good time eating, talking and dancing to the music of Jay Smith. We saw a lot of the group that also goes to the Elks to dance to Jay. He is a popular guy.
Sunday we picked up Gail at 6 PM but before we went to the airport we visited a mall in the area that Carol likes to shop at. Gail had good flights and a good visit with her son and family. At the Mall, I found a pair of Jockey underwear that were exceptionally comfortable when I tried them on after we got home!
On Labor Day we went to the Elks and had an afternoon buffet and danced to Jay Smith again .... and saw a lot of the same couples we saw at the Legion. We are just a bunch of older groupies I guess. We had our friends over for Derby Pie and drinks after the dance. All in all, a fun Labor Day.
Those Jockey's were so comfortable that we searched for them online to see if we could find some closer to us. The best we could do was another Jockey store about 35 miles from here. So we rode there on the motorcycle and then went to the beach restaurant for our favorite fish sandwich.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Three full days
Thursday Carol had her eyes examined and while she was doing that I went to the American Legion and joined. Seems like a nice group and a nice club. In fact on Friday 09/04 our favorite entertainer, Jay Smith will be playing there and we will be going to have dinner and dance to his music. Gus and Marilyn Lopes will be joining us as they also enjoy Jay.
More racquetball on Friday and I still feel tired while playing but my game is coming back a little. We also went to Sam's, Home Depot and Lowe's shopping. Contacts at Sam's for Carol and then at Lowe's e bought a new sink to replace our white one in the kitchen. It as a mess for plumbing under the sink and the white plastic sink stains and is not easy to keep clean. Got a stainless one and it has a nice large sized bowl on one side.

Decided to put the sink in on Saturday and nearly got sunk by the sink. It was a longer job than anticipated because of the "mobile home" type plumbing. but I finally got it in and it really looks good. It is also a larger sink than they put in mobile homes. Some before and after pictures are included.

Here is the plumbing before and after. We now have more room under the cabinet. A drawer is the next project.
Tomorrow we pick up Gail at 5:30 AM to take her to the Ft. Myers airport. She is going to Colorado for a week visit with her son Steven. We will pick her up the following Sunday.
More racquetball on Friday and I still feel tired while playing but my game is coming back a little. We also went to Sam's, Home Depot and Lowe's shopping. Contacts at Sam's for Carol and then at Lowe's e bought a new sink to replace our white one in the kitchen. It as a mess for plumbing under the sink and the white plastic sink stains and is not easy to keep clean. Got a stainless one and it has a nice large sized bowl on one side.
Decided to put the sink in on Saturday and nearly got sunk by the sink. It was a longer job than anticipated because of the "mobile home" type plumbing. but I finally got it in and it really looks good. It is also a larger sink than they put in mobile homes. Some before and after pictures are included.
Here is the plumbing before and after. We now have more room under the cabinet. A drawer is the next project.
Tomorrow we pick up Gail at 5:30 AM to take her to the Ft. Myers airport. She is going to Colorado for a week visit with her son Steven. We will pick her up the following Sunday.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy
I was still worn out on Monday morning from the dive on Sunday but we still went to the YMCA. An hour of racquetball was nearly more than I could handle. My calves were so sore from the swim back to shore yesterday that I had a poor night of sleep. Got our mail and got all caught up on that stuff.
Tuesday I brought the Bus back to the house and washed it .... boy it is big!!!! It really needed it. I then polished the headlight lenses which had gotten hazy from age and were reducing the lighting. They now look a lot better and I am sure will be better at night. Also stopped in at the Venice American Legion Post and got info on joining. I then dug out my military records that they need to see to verify that I had active service in a wartime period. I guess I am going to make it even though the only active service I had was my Enlisted boot camp in January 1953 and my Midshipman cruises in 1954, 55 and 56 that were wartime periods.
Wednesday back at the YMCA for another hour of racquetball. I played better but I was still tired. Still not sleeping well with my sore calves. Went out to the beach and found out how much weight I have to wear when snorkeling to be slightly positive in buoyancy. Nine pounds seemed to be OK but then after I picked a lot of shells I became negative and had to work to stay on the surface. I will start with less weight the next time. Without any weight I float up quite quickly when diving for a shell. With less buoyancy I can swim an the bottom longer and pick up more shells on one dive.
Bob King and I were going to go for a motorcycle ride in the evening but the weather was not good. Raining where we wanted to go!!! I also got started getting information on the Jacksonville area for the Hazelwood reunion in 2011.
Hope to sleep better tonight. Later!!
Tuesday I brought the Bus back to the house and washed it .... boy it is big!!!! It really needed it. I then polished the headlight lenses which had gotten hazy from age and were reducing the lighting. They now look a lot better and I am sure will be better at night. Also stopped in at the Venice American Legion Post and got info on joining. I then dug out my military records that they need to see to verify that I had active service in a wartime period. I guess I am going to make it even though the only active service I had was my Enlisted boot camp in January 1953 and my Midshipman cruises in 1954, 55 and 56 that were wartime periods.
Wednesday back at the YMCA for another hour of racquetball. I played better but I was still tired. Still not sleeping well with my sore calves. Went out to the beach and found out how much weight I have to wear when snorkeling to be slightly positive in buoyancy. Nine pounds seemed to be OK but then after I picked a lot of shells I became negative and had to work to stay on the surface. I will start with less weight the next time. Without any weight I float up quite quickly when diving for a shell. With less buoyancy I can swim an the bottom longer and pick up more shells on one dive.
Bob King and I were going to go for a motorcycle ride in the evening but the weather was not good. Raining where we wanted to go!!! I also got started getting information on the Jacksonville area for the Hazelwood reunion in 2011.
Hope to sleep better tonight. Later!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Well, I made it to the beach to go diving for sharks teeth today. I even convinced Carol to go with me so she could watch our stuff on the beach. There was a good sized group that met up at Venice SCUBA Quest.. about 20. They had some goodies to eat at the beach and some non-alcoholic beverages.
I got buddied up with a young fellow who had never hunted for sharks teeth. The surf was not too bad when we went in and it was not a problem. You need to swim quite far out from the beach to get in the good hunting ground ...... into about 27 feet deep water. It was a lot further than I expected. We snorkeled out several hundred yards .... to conserve our air in the tank... and then decided to dive down. It was only about 13 feet deep!!! The visibility was not good at all, only about 2 or 3 feet. To keep in touch with each other he held onto part of the line for our dive-float. The visibility was so bad we decided to come up and snorkel out further for a while .
This time when we went down it was about 20 feet!!!! So we just kept swimming on the bottom going further from the shore. As it got deeper the visibility did improve and we had up to 10 feet at time. My buddy did find some small teeth and he was pleased at that. I didn't even find one!!! I was looking for the big ones though. When our air went down to 1000 PSI ... from a start of 3000...we turned and started back toward shore on the bottom. When we reach 500 PSI we came up and snorkeled to the beach.
It was a really a long way to the beach. I was really getting tired but I had my vest inflated and could just lie on my back and keep paddling. I was getting small cramps and and I was getting quite tired but we finally made it
In total we spent 1 hour underwater and at least that long on the surface and got down to a depth of 23 feet.
All in all a good day but I am not sure I am going to do another beach dive. It is just too tiring for an old guy like me.
I got buddied up with a young fellow who had never hunted for sharks teeth. The surf was not too bad when we went in and it was not a problem. You need to swim quite far out from the beach to get in the good hunting ground ...... into about 27 feet deep water. It was a lot further than I expected. We snorkeled out several hundred yards .... to conserve our air in the tank... and then decided to dive down. It was only about 13 feet deep!!! The visibility was not good at all, only about 2 or 3 feet. To keep in touch with each other he held onto part of the line for our dive-float. The visibility was so bad we decided to come up and snorkel out further for a while .
This time when we went down it was about 20 feet!!!! So we just kept swimming on the bottom going further from the shore. As it got deeper the visibility did improve and we had up to 10 feet at time. My buddy did find some small teeth and he was pleased at that. I didn't even find one!!! I was looking for the big ones though. When our air went down to 1000 PSI ... from a start of 3000...we turned and started back toward shore on the bottom. When we reach 500 PSI we came up and snorkeled to the beach.
It was a really a long way to the beach. I was really getting tired but I had my vest inflated and could just lie on my back and keep paddling. I was getting small cramps and and I was getting quite tired but we finally made it
In total we spent 1 hour underwater and at least that long on the surface and got down to a depth of 23 feet.
All in all a good day but I am not sure I am going to do another beach dive. It is just too tiring for an old guy like me.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The DELL Exclusive RV Resort
We arrived in Sevierville, TN and the Dell RV Resort on Wednesday afternoon and it is really a top flight resort. We have 2 nights of free camping that we got at the Tampa RV show. This is a resort with only 27 sites that they are selling to those who will buy them. The cheap sites are about $170,00 and the ones on the pond area ... with fancy concrete that looks like stones ..... are about $195,000. They do have a storage shed and the sites are large. We also took a tour of the home sites .... some of the smaller homes cost less than an RV site!!! ..... and it was really quite beautiful. It is on hilly ground and just driving around was exciting. Not the place for us.
The entire area has really grown up and is much more commercialized than the last time we were there about 5 years ago. We did some shopping and I got a good bargain on a drill with a wire instead of a battery. We also had a good dinner at Damon's. Their ribs are still very good.
We will depart here on Friday, stop in Valdosta on the way, and be home Saturday. I am planning to do a SCUBA dive on Sunday to look for sharks teeth. I hope it is a good day for it.
The entire area has really grown up and is much more commercialized than the last time we were there about 5 years ago. We did some shopping and I got a good bargain on a drill with a wire instead of a battery. We also had a good dinner at Damon's. Their ribs are still very good.
We will depart here on Friday, stop in Valdosta on the way, and be home Saturday. I am planning to do a SCUBA dive on Sunday to look for sharks teeth. I hope it is a good day for it.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Stuck in Cincinnati
I finally got all of the items cleaned from the do-list at Lori's. We then decided to depart on Sunday, August 16 rather than Monday. It was just a longer drive to Sevierville, TN ( in the Smokies) than I wanted to make in one day. When we got to the FMCA campground in Cincinnati, I fond I had a problem with the Jeep. The 4 wheel drive not shift out of neutral and locked into 4WD in gear. It was drivable but I would not be able to tow it in that condition.
I was lucky and found a garage about a block from the campground and they looked at it first thing on Monday and found the shift cable had worn out, came off the transfer shifter and needed replaced. It was ordered and would not be in until Tuesday so we planned a Wednesday departure.
I was lucky and found a garage about a block from the campground and they looked at it first thing on Monday and found the shift cable had worn out, came off the transfer shifter and needed replaced. It was ordered and would not be in until Tuesday so we planned a Wednesday departure.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Back in Zanesville
Arrived back in Zanesville at our parking spot. I still have a lot of items to complete and will be working on them this week. I also had to fix the wiring on the drivers seat in the Bus and replace the grey water drain as it was leaking. There is always something to fix in the Bus or the house in Florida!!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Carol's Birthday
Carol’s birthday!!!! We are planning to go to Parente’s in Trafford for dinner. Peduzzi’s, Serafin’s, Jeannie and Susan will join us. Peduzzi’s granddaughter joined us also.
I went to the cemetery and got some info about Grandmother Julian that I did not have. Her birth year is 1861 and she died on March 21, 1921. The lot cost $18.00 and was apparently purchased by her son John. I entered all of the information in my Family Tree program.
During the day I called Wayne and spoke to him. He was, as usual, in great spirits and was thankful that he made it to his phone. He said there were several times while crawling he got very tired and thought about taking a nap but knew he might not wake up!! He said he will do well with a “wooden foot”.
We had a great time at Parente’s and the meals were excellent Italian cuisine.
I went to the cemetery and got some info about Grandmother Julian that I did not have. Her birth year is 1861 and she died on March 21, 1921. The lot cost $18.00 and was apparently purchased by her son John. I entered all of the information in my Family Tree program.
During the day I called Wayne and spoke to him. He was, as usual, in great spirits and was thankful that he made it to his phone. He said there were several times while crawling he got very tired and thought about taking a nap but knew he might not wake up!! He said he will do well with a “wooden foot”.
We had a great time at Parente’s and the meals were excellent Italian cuisine.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Trafford day Three
We went early to find a shirt for Carol she had seen at the Fair but they had none in her size so the owner said she would get one for us by the end of the day. This was at a SAT-SUN Flea market. Carol had NAVY put on the front and DD-531 on the back in sequins. When we got it, it really looks good and will a hit with the ladies at the next Hazelwood reunion.
Spent most of the day at the fair meeting old timers and just having a relaxing time. During the3 day I spoke to a friend of Wayne Galore and heard that he lost a foot in a bush hog mowing accident. He is recovering very well but it was very serious since he was not near anyone and they had trouble finding him. He had to crawl over 300 yards to get to his cell phone and could have easily bled to death.
The fair was over about 6 PM and we then retired to Peduzzi’s porch for night-caps and recaps of the fair and all that went on. Just after Jeannie and Susan left we found Jeannie’s cell phone on the floor. Called Susan on her phone and told her we had it. Since we were meeting again on Monday we planned to get it to her then.
Spent most of the day at the fair meeting old timers and just having a relaxing time. During the3 day I spoke to a friend of Wayne Galore and heard that he lost a foot in a bush hog mowing accident. He is recovering very well but it was very serious since he was not near anyone and they had trouble finding him. He had to crawl over 300 yards to get to his cell phone and could have easily bled to death.
The fair was over about 6 PM and we then retired to Peduzzi’s porch for night-caps and recaps of the fair and all that went on. Just after Jeannie and Susan left we found Jeannie’s cell phone on the floor. Called Susan on her phone and told her we had it. Since we were meeting again on Monday we planned to get it to her then.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Trafford day two
I drove to the Irwin cemetery to get info about my Father’s mother but there was not anyone there that could help me. I will go back on Monday. Carol and I then went to my mother’s grave to measure the headstone so we could get a nametag on it. Her ashes are buried with her father and I want t get a tag on his headstone. After measuring it, we were not able to find a place to get a tag made, but we did get to Dallalo’s food store and got a nice supply of Italian stuff…. Pepperoni, hot and mild sausage, corned beef and other goodies.
Got back just in time to meet up with my sister and visit with Bonnie. Had a nice visit.
We got back to the fair about 4 PM and it was not very crowded at all. As the evening progressed the crowds got larger and by 9 PM it was very active. We kept meeting other old timers and had a great time remembering the old days. We didn’t make it long enough to watch the fireworks at 1030 PM but we did get to see them from the motor home. An OK show for Trafford!!!
Got back just in time to meet up with my sister and visit with Bonnie. Had a nice visit.
We got back to the fair about 4 PM and it was not very crowded at all. As the evening progressed the crowds got larger and by 9 PM it was very active. We kept meeting other old timers and had a great time remembering the old days. We didn’t make it long enough to watch the fireworks at 1030 PM but we did get to see them from the motor home. An OK show for Trafford!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
On the Road again
Left Zanesville and headed for Trafford for the weekend. Arrived at the school parking lot about 11 AM, parked and walked over to see Bibi Peduzzi. Carol rode down to the street fair site with Bibi and I took care of some stuff at the Motor Home and then walked down to the fair. It was not to open until about 6 PM and they were still setting up the stage and other work was going on.
Carol and I then walked to see our “brick” at the Borough Building, the old home site and then started heading back to the motor home. Stopped in to see Bobby DiRinaldo in his shoe shop and also at the American Legion.
In the evening we went to the fair and met Jeannie there. The music was load and there were a lot of people in attendance. I had to have a hot dog with sauerkraut just for old times. I met up with one of my school classmates, Mary Jean Ruffo and saw a number of other “old timers’ but not any other classmates.
All in all it was good evening. The fair starts on Saturday about noon but we planned to visit my cousin Bonnie Ogle after lunch with my Sister and niece Susan.
Carol and I then walked to see our “brick” at the Borough Building, the old home site and then started heading back to the motor home. Stopped in to see Bobby DiRinaldo in his shoe shop and also at the American Legion.
In the evening we went to the fair and met Jeannie there. The music was load and there were a lot of people in attendance. I had to have a hot dog with sauerkraut just for old times. I met up with one of my school classmates, Mary Jean Ruffo and saw a number of other “old timers’ but not any other classmates.
All in all it was good evening. The fair starts on Saturday about noon but we planned to visit my cousin Bonnie Ogle after lunch with my Sister and niece Susan.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Good News
The good news is that the swelling on Carol's finger is going down. She did try to get the ring off yesterday afternoon but is did not make it. Maybe today she will be able to get it off and get better circulation in the finger. At least the finger is not turning blue which would be a very bad sign.
Yesterday was a lazy day as I did very little except finish reading the Marcia Clark book. I still get mad when I think about the injustice of that trial. What a biased jury. At least they nailed him in the civil trial and he is now in the slammer for other crimes.
Tomorrow we leave to go to Tafford for the weekend and I probably won't have WiFi in the school parking lot. I will try though.
Yesterday was a lazy day as I did very little except finish reading the Marcia Clark book. I still get mad when I think about the injustice of that trial. What a biased jury. At least they nailed him in the civil trial and he is now in the slammer for other crimes.
Tomorrow we leave to go to Tafford for the weekend and I probably won't have WiFi in the school parking lot. I will try though.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Carol's Bite!!!!
Today started out a bit strange. Carol got up early and showed me her finger that was bitten on Sunday by a wasp. It was swollen greatly.
On Sunday she felt something in her hair while walking to Lori's and when she went to brush it out with her hand she got stung. At first it did not look too bad but later it began swelling and she was not able to get her wedding band off. She took some Benydril and put ice on it. Monday it was still swollen but seemed to be getting better.
That all changed by Monday night. During the night it was bothering her enough that she had trouble sleeping and was trying to get ice on it to reduce the swelling. I wasn't aware of the extent of the swelling until Tuesday morning. When I saw I said let's get to the emergency room or an urgent care facility. We finally got to an urgent care facility and got in about 11 AM, the time they start taking patients. Even though it was swollen it was not serious enough to go to the emergency room.
While waiting to them to open we did get some more Benydril and she took 50 Mg. When we got to the doctor she was concerned about the tightness of Carol's ring and wanted to have it cut off so it would not hamper the circulation. Carol was not about to have her wedding band cut off and chose to see if the swelling went done. If it did not and her finger started to look bad then it might have to come off. A nurse did lube it and try to get it off but it was not even close to possible. She did get a prescriptions for a antibiotic and for a steroid. She is also to continue taking the Benydril plus to periodically use an ice pack on it and keep the hand above the level of her heart. The antibiotic was prescribed because of a redness that developed on the back of her hand and the doctor was concerned of a possible infection beginning.
Good news is that by bedtime this evening the swelling has begun to subside and the itching she felt has pretty much gone away. Maybe she will be able to get the ring off tomorrow ..... but then if the swelling has gone down that far it really does not need to come off!!!!
More Later ........
On Sunday she felt something in her hair while walking to Lori's and when she went to brush it out with her hand she got stung. At first it did not look too bad but later it began swelling and she was not able to get her wedding band off. She took some Benydril and put ice on it. Monday it was still swollen but seemed to be getting better.
That all changed by Monday night. During the night it was bothering her enough that she had trouble sleeping and was trying to get ice on it to reduce the swelling. I wasn't aware of the extent of the swelling until Tuesday morning. When I saw I said let's get to the emergency room or an urgent care facility. We finally got to an urgent care facility and got in about 11 AM, the time they start taking patients. Even though it was swollen it was not serious enough to go to the emergency room.
While waiting to them to open we did get some more Benydril and she took 50 Mg. When we got to the doctor she was concerned about the tightness of Carol's ring and wanted to have it cut off so it would not hamper the circulation. Carol was not about to have her wedding band cut off and chose to see if the swelling went done. If it did not and her finger started to look bad then it might have to come off. A nurse did lube it and try to get it off but it was not even close to possible. She did get a prescriptions for a antibiotic and for a steroid. She is also to continue taking the Benydril plus to periodically use an ice pack on it and keep the hand above the level of her heart. The antibiotic was prescribed because of a redness that developed on the back of her hand and the doctor was concerned of a possible infection beginning.
Good news is that by bedtime this evening the swelling has begun to subside and the itching she felt has pretty much gone away. Maybe she will be able to get the ring off tomorrow ..... but then if the swelling has gone down that far it really does not need to come off!!!!
More Later ........
Monday, August 3, 2009
An Evening Report!!!
I thought would try doing posting in the evening rather than the morning. It may work out and then again it may not!!
I got a little more work done at Lori's today .... cut down the wasp nest with all the dead wasps, got up on the roof and sealed the chimney, re-attached some of the gutter screening, nailed down a piece of "stuff" on the roof that was loose and tested out the cement filled drain. The drain is much better than before but I did not get all of the slope accurate and there is about 1/4 of inch of water that stays in the center of the drain. A great improvement over the 2 inches of water that remained before.
We then went out to the cemetery to see Rob's grave and put some new flowers on it. Also brought back a small angel we had put there and repainted it. I gotten nasty looking over the past year. We then went to B-Wear and got four Steeler T-shirts for Bibi Peduzzi that she wanted. At $4.99 for an embroidered shirt it is a steal. Also picked up 5 Gator ball caps for the Reagles at $.75 each, another steal.
I then spent most of the afternoon reading a book by Maria Clark about the OJ trial. It is really a good insight into our justice system. You won't have much faith in juries if you read this book. I also got the statue spray painted but need to get several more coats on it before we take it back to the cemetery.
So that's about it for this day.
I got a little more work done at Lori's today .... cut down the wasp nest with all the dead wasps, got up on the roof and sealed the chimney, re-attached some of the gutter screening, nailed down a piece of "stuff" on the roof that was loose and tested out the cement filled drain. The drain is much better than before but I did not get all of the slope accurate and there is about 1/4 of inch of water that stays in the center of the drain. A great improvement over the 2 inches of water that remained before.
We then went out to the cemetery to see Rob's grave and put some new flowers on it. Also brought back a small angel we had put there and repainted it. I gotten nasty looking over the past year. We then went to B-Wear and got four Steeler T-shirts for Bibi Peduzzi that she wanted. At $4.99 for an embroidered shirt it is a steal. Also picked up 5 Gator ball caps for the Reagles at $.75 each, another steal.
I then spent most of the afternoon reading a book by Maria Clark about the OJ trial. It is really a good insight into our justice system. You won't have much faith in juries if you read this book. I also got the statue spray painted but need to get several more coats on it before we take it back to the cemetery.
So that's about it for this day.
A lot got done on Sunday!!
Sunday was my planned day to work on the driveway drain and I got started at 9 AM. I already had my four 80 pound bags of cement so I backed the Jeep into the driveway so I could have them as close to the job as possible. Rather than lift one into the wheelbarrow I just slid it to the edge of the car and slit it open and let it spill into the wheelbarrow. I just didn't want to be lifting 80 pounds!! After mixing I began shovelling the mix into the drain and filling it to the level needed to slope the drain to the exit end of the drain.
I was pleased that it only took about an hour and a half to mix up 3 of the four bags and I had a good slope in the drain. My back felt like I had been working all day though!! After several hours I smoothed out the cement again and left the surface in a state that was not beautiful but sufficient for its purpose. One more item off the Do-List!!!!!
Since I got my external DVD drive on Saturday I began loading the programs on the Netbook for its operation. It took longer than I expected because the Nero program had a major upgrade and that took as long to load as the original. But that job is done now.
Lori's friend, Brad, came over later in the morning we spent a good deal of time chatting and getting to know each other. Brad and Lori were high school sweethearts but when he went off to college they each went their own ways. He divorced his wife a year or so ago after 28 years of marriage. He seem to be a very nice fellow and I enjoyed his company.
While he was here we found out why Jade (Dawn,s dog) would not go into the yard near the tree. There was a large round paper-like nest of some strange looking wasps. They were black and white and one of these had bitten Jade in the past. We decided they had to go and Brad and Lori went out and got 2 cans of wasp spray that shoots a stream out about 20 feet. They were told it would be best to wait until dark when all the residents are in the nest and they spray both cans into the hole of the nest. So I waited until dark when they finally were no longer going in and out of the nest. Just be sure I was protected some I put on a large poncho to cover me as much as possible, just in case.
They spraying went well and none came out that were alive. The spray was a foamy spray and it coated the nest and even caused it to disintegrate. Some of the wasps were trying to get out but they didn't make it!! Toady the nest Will be cut out of the tree and disposed of.
So much for Sunday being a day of rest!!!
I was pleased that it only took about an hour and a half to mix up 3 of the four bags and I had a good slope in the drain. My back felt like I had been working all day though!! After several hours I smoothed out the cement again and left the surface in a state that was not beautiful but sufficient for its purpose. One more item off the Do-List!!!!!
Since I got my external DVD drive on Saturday I began loading the programs on the Netbook for its operation. It took longer than I expected because the Nero program had a major upgrade and that took as long to load as the original. But that job is done now.
Lori's friend, Brad, came over later in the morning we spent a good deal of time chatting and getting to know each other. Brad and Lori were high school sweethearts but when he went off to college they each went their own ways. He divorced his wife a year or so ago after 28 years of marriage. He seem to be a very nice fellow and I enjoyed his company.
While he was here we found out why Jade (Dawn,s dog) would not go into the yard near the tree. There was a large round paper-like nest of some strange looking wasps. They were black and white and one of these had bitten Jade in the past. We decided they had to go and Brad and Lori went out and got 2 cans of wasp spray that shoots a stream out about 20 feet. They were told it would be best to wait until dark when all the residents are in the nest and they spray both cans into the hole of the nest. So I waited until dark when they finally were no longer going in and out of the nest. Just be sure I was protected some I put on a large poncho to cover me as much as possible, just in case.
They spraying went well and none came out that were alive. The spray was a foamy spray and it coated the nest and even caused it to disintegrate. Some of the wasps were trying to get out but they didn't make it!! Toady the nest Will be cut out of the tree and disposed of.
So much for Sunday being a day of rest!!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Got work to do!
Yesterday was a busy day starting with about 3 hours of going around to garage sales in the area. At least the garage sales we went to were much better than on Friday. I even found a good book about the OJ trial by Marcia Clark for a quarter. Carol found a number of things at good prices also.
When we got back to Lori's I cleaned out the drain ditch in front of the garage in preparation to filling it with cement to change the slope of it so it will drain properly. That part of the job was easier than expected because I used a leaf blower to blow the water uphill to the drainpipe end to clear it of water. Just to be sure that I have enough cement I got four 80 pound bags even though I think three will be enough. Al least I didn't have to load them as Lowes loaded them for me!!
When the mail came, my external drive for my netbook computer arrived. Wow, won on Ebay on Thursday, shipped on Friday (from St Louis) and arrive on Saturday. Haven't had time to test it out and install the software but will today, I hope...... after the cement job!!!!
While we coming back from the garage sales, Carol suggested I try Ebay to find the tail light for the Jeep. I broke it a couple of months ago and have not found one a junk yard yet. Lo and behold I found many on Ebay and got one for only $59.00 with free shipping. They normally retail out at about $120.00 (Plus tax of course). Ebay to the rescue again.
We all went out to dinner for my birthday with Dawn driving. She has excellent control of the vehicle but, like her Dad, is quick with the gas and approaches stops quickly and has to use a lot of brakes. I hope she slows down some. Some how there must be gene that control driving. My Dad, my sister Jeannie, Rob and now Dawn all seemed to have gotten that gene but it passed me .... or maybe I outgrew it. I do think that my aviation training and instructing made me a slower driver!!!!
Back to dinner!! We went to Zak's here in Zanesville and had a very good dinner. Mexican style but not like most Mexican restaurants. They didn't have 2 for 1 margaritas but they made my first on frozen rather than on the rocks so I ended up with 2 for 1!!!! After all I was the birthday boy. Also they did not come to the table to sing happy birthday which was fine with me. Near the end of dinner I got a call from Joy and that made the day even better. Lori and dawn gave me a very nice shirt and a book about all of the wars that changed the course of history. My kind of book. Carol got me collapsible traffic cone for use with the motor home ..... Neat. It even has a flashing light for the top of it.
Well there is lots of cement mixing to do today.
When we got back to Lori's I cleaned out the drain ditch in front of the garage in preparation to filling it with cement to change the slope of it so it will drain properly. That part of the job was easier than expected because I used a leaf blower to blow the water uphill to the drainpipe end to clear it of water. Just to be sure that I have enough cement I got four 80 pound bags even though I think three will be enough. Al least I didn't have to load them as Lowes loaded them for me!!
When the mail came, my external drive for my netbook computer arrived. Wow, won on Ebay on Thursday, shipped on Friday (from St Louis) and arrive on Saturday. Haven't had time to test it out and install the software but will today, I hope...... after the cement job!!!!
While we coming back from the garage sales, Carol suggested I try Ebay to find the tail light for the Jeep. I broke it a couple of months ago and have not found one a junk yard yet. Lo and behold I found many on Ebay and got one for only $59.00 with free shipping. They normally retail out at about $120.00 (Plus tax of course). Ebay to the rescue again.
We all went out to dinner for my birthday with Dawn driving. She has excellent control of the vehicle but, like her Dad, is quick with the gas and approaches stops quickly and has to use a lot of brakes. I hope she slows down some. Some how there must be gene that control driving. My Dad, my sister Jeannie, Rob and now Dawn all seemed to have gotten that gene but it passed me .... or maybe I outgrew it. I do think that my aviation training and instructing made me a slower driver!!!!
Back to dinner!! We went to Zak's here in Zanesville and had a very good dinner. Mexican style but not like most Mexican restaurants. They didn't have 2 for 1 margaritas but they made my first on frozen rather than on the rocks so I ended up with 2 for 1!!!! After all I was the birthday boy. Also they did not come to the table to sing happy birthday which was fine with me. Near the end of dinner I got a call from Joy and that made the day even better. Lori and dawn gave me a very nice shirt and a book about all of the wars that changed the course of history. My kind of book. Carol got me collapsible traffic cone for use with the motor home ..... Neat. It even has a flashing light for the top of it.
Well there is lots of cement mixing to do today.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Happy Birthday to Jim
Well, today is Jim's 74th birthday!!!!! Wow, that's nearly 3/4 of a century. All that time has flown by very quickly and it seems to move even quicker now.
Yesterday we went out to the local garage sales we found listed in the local paper. No real bargains were found and all of the sales were pretty disappointing. We will try again tomorrow and may have better luck.
I did get to complete one more task off the To-Do-List of Lori's and did some research on how to repair the drain ditch at the front of the garage. It slopes the wrong way and does not drain the water out. Naturally that makes a minor swamp in the drain. I was planning to use blacktop to fill it but found it was about three times more costly than using cement. So cement it will be. It is one of the more hard labor intensive jobs so I am going to get it started early ..... like today.
The evening have been great for sleeping as it gets much cooler in the evening than we get in FL. Also the day starts off with very thick fog. This morning the temperature in the coach was 68 degrees when I got up. Naturally I turned on the generator to heat up the place as well as recharge the batteries.
Yesterday I also got my new computer updated with all of the updates and then I downloaded Photo Story 3 and Picasa 3. I don't have many pictures with me but I did load the pictures I do have from my small camera to the computer. They are really great programs.
If you ever want to get a good computer education about most anything go to http://www.geeksontour.com/. This couple has a real good knack on showing you how to use most anything on the computer. I attended a number of their seminars at Bow king Green and really learned a lot ...... that's not surprising though!!!!!
Well that is about it for this day. More when I get around to it.
Yesterday we went out to the local garage sales we found listed in the local paper. No real bargains were found and all of the sales were pretty disappointing. We will try again tomorrow and may have better luck.
I did get to complete one more task off the To-Do-List of Lori's and did some research on how to repair the drain ditch at the front of the garage. It slopes the wrong way and does not drain the water out. Naturally that makes a minor swamp in the drain. I was planning to use blacktop to fill it but found it was about three times more costly than using cement. So cement it will be. It is one of the more hard labor intensive jobs so I am going to get it started early ..... like today.
The evening have been great for sleeping as it gets much cooler in the evening than we get in FL. Also the day starts off with very thick fog. This morning the temperature in the coach was 68 degrees when I got up. Naturally I turned on the generator to heat up the place as well as recharge the batteries.
Yesterday I also got my new computer updated with all of the updates and then I downloaded Photo Story 3 and Picasa 3. I don't have many pictures with me but I did load the pictures I do have from my small camera to the computer. They are really great programs.
If you ever want to get a good computer education about most anything go to http://www.geeksontour.com/. This couple has a real good knack on showing you how to use most anything on the computer. I attended a number of their seminars at Bow king Green and really learned a lot ...... that's not surprising though!!!!!
Well that is about it for this day. More when I get around to it.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Rain, Rain, Rain !!!!!
Wow, we really had a lot of rain last night. It did not pour but it did come down for the entire night. The golf course here should be closed but I was surprised to see some golfers going out to play.
Yesterday we spent a lot of time with Lori and Dawn and I reviewed the To-Do-List and even got an item done. There is still a lot more to do and the rain may hold me up some today.
We did go to Sam's Club (naturally) and did some shopping. I had been looking at a NETBOOK computer. Yes I spelled it right, a netbook not notebook. It is quite small and does not even have a CD drive in it. You load programs from the net, hence netbook. I am getting an external DVD/CD drive so I can load some of my programs from that rather than the net since I already have the programs.
It is a cute little thing and weighs less than a pound. It will be easier to take with us when we travel by plane and we will also use it for garage sales when I get my GPS program loaded on it.
We are not sure of our plans for this day but I am sure we will have fun.
Yesterday we spent a lot of time with Lori and Dawn and I reviewed the To-Do-List and even got an item done. There is still a lot more to do and the rain may hold me up some today.
We did go to Sam's Club (naturally) and did some shopping. I had been looking at a NETBOOK computer. Yes I spelled it right, a netbook not notebook. It is quite small and does not even have a CD drive in it. You load programs from the net, hence netbook. I am getting an external DVD/CD drive so I can load some of my programs from that rather than the net since I already have the programs.
It is a cute little thing and weighs less than a pound. It will be easier to take with us when we travel by plane and we will also use it for garage sales when I get my GPS program loaded on it.
We are not sure of our plans for this day but I am sure we will have fun.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The beginning!!
Here is my first blog. Right now we are in Nashport, OH (Zanesville, OH) in our motor home parked in the golf course parking lot next to our daughter-in-laws home.
We have been on the road since July 12. On the way north we stopped in Mounteagle, TN to visit with friends for several days and then went on to Louisville, KY to meet up with other friends and head to Bowling Green, OH and the Family Motor Coach Assn rally at Bowling Green State University. It was there that we attended a seminar by Geeks On Tour titled "Every RV'r Needs A Blog". So here is the result of that seminar.
They also put on 6 other seminars and all were very good and on programs that were free. Try Photo Story, Picasa 3 and Blogger for some good programs.
After leaving BGSU we headed to Greenfield, IN and a rally with the Freightliner Chassis Owners Club for several days more fun. While there we also had the opportunity to have lunch with a fellow Carol worked with at Otis Elevator. We had not seen him and his wife for at least 10 years.
I will try to keep posts coming from time to time.
We have been on the road since July 12. On the way north we stopped in Mounteagle, TN to visit with friends for several days and then went on to Louisville, KY to meet up with other friends and head to Bowling Green, OH and the Family Motor Coach Assn rally at Bowling Green State University. It was there that we attended a seminar by Geeks On Tour titled "Every RV'r Needs A Blog". So here is the result of that seminar.
They also put on 6 other seminars and all were very good and on programs that were free. Try Photo Story, Picasa 3 and Blogger for some good programs.
After leaving BGSU we headed to Greenfield, IN and a rally with the Freightliner Chassis Owners Club for several days more fun. While there we also had the opportunity to have lunch with a fellow Carol worked with at Otis Elevator. We had not seen him and his wife for at least 10 years.
I will try to keep posts coming from time to time.
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