Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jim's Medical Week!!!

On the Monday after Thanksgiving I finally decided to have a Podiatrist look at my Bunions. He said the "bumps" were more from arthritis and would be easy to trim so they won't cause pain when wearing dress shoes. It's been getting more and more difficult to find shoes that fit properly and don't cause pain.

So we scheduled surgery for December 21. That started the ball rolling on x-rays and blood work. The feet had to have an x-ray and then my Primary Care Physician has to OK me for surgery. That meant a chest x-ray and blood work this week for the PCP. I also have my annual VA doctor visit next week so I had to have blood drawn at the VA this week. I hope I have enough left for my PCP blood work.

The surgery will keep me off my feet for several weeks but he said I could still hobble around to get to the bathroom etc.. I need to keep the feet elevated to reduce any swelling.

So I will be lying around reading and watching a lot of TV for several weeks over the holidays.

Since I was on a roll, I had also scheduled a visit to a Urologist because the prostate is giving me problems at night. It has been causing me to get up more frequently at night over the years ... Now I only sleep about 1 1/2 - 2 hours before having to get up. So today I went to see him today and was told that I am getting the maximum medication to control this situation. The prostate has enlarged somewhat but it is a benign enlargement (BPH) that is causing the slight blockage. The Urologist is going to do two tests to find out what can be done to correct the situation. These tests have been scheduled for later in January so I can recover from the foot surgery. The corrective procedure I am expecting will dilate the urethra where it goes through the prostate. It is not surgery and is done in his office.

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