Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Fun Week

Here we are in the last days before Christmas with lots of stuff going on. Carol and bowled our last time this year before our holiday break. Both of us bowled poorly and the lunch after was the best thing about bowling again!!

Thursday evening was the last bingo for me to call this year and it was the last bingo on Thursdays. Starting in January it is being changed to Monday evenings. Thursday had been conflicting with entrainment and dinners that we enjoy!! Jay Smith is one of favorite musicians and he usually lays on Thursdays. It was also a rush to get done in time to see CSI at 9 PM!! Gus and Marilyn Lopes also like Jay so the change was made easier since she is the bingo chairman!!! Carol won one game so that made the evening even better.

Saturday was pancake breakfast and as chairman, Jim had all the shopping to do on Friday. A great crew takes care of all the food preparation. We had blueberry pancakes this time and that drew a crowd of nearly 100 for the breakfast. It is a nice social event for the community and everyone seems to enjoy it.

Here are pictures of our server and flippers (Harold, Glenn and Tom) and egg and sausage cooks (Dom and Joe).

During last week I also went to my primary doctor and he OK'd me for my foot surgery which has be changed from Monday to Tuesday next week. I also went to the VA doctor and all was well. She did request a sonogram of my lower torso to check for an aneurysm. It was a precautionary thing as there was no indication one was present. It sounded like a good plan to me.
Merry Christmas to every one.

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