Friday, September 18, 2009

A WOW of a water bill!!!

We got our water bill today and it was for a whopping 17,000 gallons of water and $216.00!!!!! The billing period was for most of the time we were out out town and had our water turned off at the entry to the house. A safety precaution we take when traveling.

After I had put the sink in several weeks ago, we found a leaking pressure relief valve near the shut off valve. This was on Tuesday after I had completed the sink job on Sunday evening. I shut off the water and got a new valve and replaced it. There was no evidence of any extended leaking as the ground was not a "swimming pool'" under the house. I expected some additional cost for the leak but not a plus 16,000 gallons. We normally use about 1 to 2 thousand gallons per month.

Just to give you an idea of the amount of water 16,000 gallons is. It is a small swimming pool .... 20 ft x 20 ft and slightly over 5 feet deep!!! That would fill our lanai 5 feet deep. I know we had a leak but I didn't think it was anywhere near that amount.

I did email the water company and explained all that I could and I am hoping that they make some adjustment. At least we should not have to pay for the sewerage charge which is $90.00. The leak did not go down the sewer!!!!

Stuff happens!!!!!

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