Friday, August 7, 2009

On the Road again

Left Zanesville and headed for Trafford for the weekend. Arrived at the school parking lot about 11 AM, parked and walked over to see Bibi Peduzzi. Carol rode down to the street fair site with Bibi and I took care of some stuff at the Motor Home and then walked down to the fair. It was not to open until about 6 PM and they were still setting up the stage and other work was going on.
Carol and I then walked to see our “brick” at the Borough Building, the old home site and then started heading back to the motor home. Stopped in to see Bobby DiRinaldo in his shoe shop and also at the American Legion.
In the evening we went to the fair and met Jeannie there. The music was load and there were a lot of people in attendance. I had to have a hot dog with sauerkraut just for old times. I met up with one of my school classmates, Mary Jean Ruffo and saw a number of other “old timers’ but not any other classmates.
All in all it was good evening. The fair starts on Saturday about noon but we planned to visit my cousin Bonnie Ogle after lunch with my Sister and niece Susan.

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