Sunday, August 2, 2009

Got work to do!

Yesterday was a busy day starting with about 3 hours of going around to garage sales in the area. At least the garage sales we went to were much better than on Friday. I even found a good book about the OJ trial by Marcia Clark for a quarter. Carol found a number of things at good prices also.

When we got back to Lori's I cleaned out the drain ditch in front of the garage in preparation to filling it with cement to change the slope of it so it will drain properly. That part of the job was easier than expected because I used a leaf blower to blow the water uphill to the drainpipe end to clear it of water. Just to be sure that I have enough cement I got four 80 pound bags even though I think three will be enough. Al least I didn't have to load them as Lowes loaded them for me!!

When the mail came, my external drive for my netbook computer arrived. Wow, won on Ebay on Thursday, shipped on Friday (from St Louis) and arrive on Saturday. Haven't had time to test it out and install the software but will today, I hope...... after the cement job!!!!

While we coming back from the garage sales, Carol suggested I try Ebay to find the tail light for the Jeep. I broke it a couple of months ago and have not found one a junk yard yet. Lo and behold I found many on Ebay and got one for only $59.00 with free shipping. They normally retail out at about $120.00 (Plus tax of course). Ebay to the rescue again.

We all went out to dinner for my birthday with Dawn driving. She has excellent control of the vehicle but, like her Dad, is quick with the gas and approaches stops quickly and has to use a lot of brakes. I hope she slows down some. Some how there must be gene that control driving. My Dad, my sister Jeannie, Rob and now Dawn all seemed to have gotten that gene but it passed me .... or maybe I outgrew it. I do think that my aviation training and instructing made me a slower driver!!!!

Back to dinner!! We went to Zak's here in Zanesville and had a very good dinner. Mexican style but not like most Mexican restaurants. They didn't have 2 for 1 margaritas but they made my first on frozen rather than on the rocks so I ended up with 2 for 1!!!! After all I was the birthday boy. Also they did not come to the table to sing happy birthday which was fine with me. Near the end of dinner I got a call from Joy and that made the day even better. Lori and dawn gave me a very nice shirt and a book about all of the wars that changed the course of history. My kind of book. Carol got me collapsible traffic cone for use with the motor home ..... Neat. It even has a flashing light for the top of it.

Well there is lots of cement mixing to do today.

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