Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Carol's Bite!!!!

Today started out a bit strange. Carol got up early and showed me her finger that was bitten on Sunday by a wasp. It was swollen greatly.

On Sunday she felt something in her hair while walking to Lori's and when she went to brush it out with her hand she got stung. At first it did not look too bad but later it began swelling and she was not able to get her wedding band off. She took some Benydril and put ice on it. Monday it was still swollen but seemed to be getting better.

That all changed by Monday night. During the night it was bothering her enough that she had trouble sleeping and was trying to get ice on it to reduce the swelling. I wasn't aware of the extent of the swelling until Tuesday morning. When I saw I said let's get to the emergency room or an urgent care facility. We finally got to an urgent care facility and got in about 11 AM, the time they start taking patients. Even though it was swollen it was not serious enough to go to the emergency room.

While waiting to them to open we did get some more Benydril and she took 50 Mg. When we got to the doctor she was concerned about the tightness of Carol's ring and wanted to have it cut off so it would not hamper the circulation. Carol was not about to have her wedding band cut off and chose to see if the swelling went done. If it did not and her finger started to look bad then it might have to come off. A nurse did lube it and try to get it off but it was not even close to possible. She did get a prescriptions for a antibiotic and for a steroid. She is also to continue taking the Benydril plus to periodically use an ice pack on it and keep the hand above the level of her heart. The antibiotic was prescribed because of a redness that developed on the back of her hand and the doctor was concerned of a possible infection beginning.

Good news is that by bedtime this evening the swelling has begun to subside and the itching she felt has pretty much gone away. Maybe she will be able to get the ring off tomorrow ..... but then if the swelling has gone down that far it really does not need to come off!!!!

More Later ........

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