Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Jim

Well, today is Jim's 74th birthday!!!!! Wow, that's nearly 3/4 of a century. All that time has flown by very quickly and it seems to move even quicker now.

Yesterday we went out to the local garage sales we found listed in the local paper. No real bargains were found and all of the sales were pretty disappointing. We will try again tomorrow and may have better luck.

I did get to complete one more task off the To-Do-List of Lori's and did some research on how to repair the drain ditch at the front of the garage. It slopes the wrong way and does not drain the water out. Naturally that makes a minor swamp in the drain. I was planning to use blacktop to fill it but found it was about three times more costly than using cement. So cement it will be. It is one of the more hard labor intensive jobs so I am going to get it started early ..... like today.

The evening have been great for sleeping as it gets much cooler in the evening than we get in FL. Also the day starts off with very thick fog. This morning the temperature in the coach was 68 degrees when I got up. Naturally I turned on the generator to heat up the place as well as recharge the batteries.

Yesterday I also got my new computer updated with all of the updates and then I downloaded Photo Story 3 and Picasa 3. I don't have many pictures with me but I did load the pictures I do have from my small camera to the computer. They are really great programs.

If you ever want to get a good computer education about most anything go to This couple has a real good knack on showing you how to use most anything on the computer. I attended a number of their seminars at Bow king Green and really learned a lot ...... that's not surprising though!!!!!

Well that is about it for this day. More when I get around to it.

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