Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I was still worn out on Monday morning from the dive on Sunday but we still went to the YMCA. An hour of racquetball was nearly more than I could handle. My calves were so sore from the swim back to shore yesterday that I had a poor night of sleep. Got our mail and got all caught up on that stuff.

Tuesday I brought the Bus back to the house and washed it .... boy it is big!!!! It really needed it. I then polished the headlight lenses which had gotten hazy from age and were reducing the lighting. They now look a lot better and I am sure will be better at night. Also stopped in at the Venice American Legion Post and got info on joining. I then dug out my military records that they need to see to verify that I had active service in a wartime period. I guess I am going to make it even though the only active service I had was my Enlisted boot camp in January 1953 and my Midshipman cruises in 1954, 55 and 56 that were wartime periods.

Wednesday back at the YMCA for another hour of racquetball. I played better but I was still tired. Still not sleeping well with my sore calves. Went out to the beach and found out how much weight I have to wear when snorkeling to be slightly positive in buoyancy. Nine pounds seemed to be OK but then after I picked a lot of shells I became negative and had to work to stay on the surface. I will start with less weight the next time. Without any weight I float up quite quickly when diving for a shell. With less buoyancy I can swim an the bottom longer and pick up more shells on one dive.

Bob King and I were going to go for a motorcycle ride in the evening but the weather was not good. Raining where we wanted to go!!! I also got started getting information on the Jacksonville area for the Hazelwood reunion in 2011.
Hope to sleep better tonight. Later!!

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