Monday, August 3, 2009

An Evening Report!!!

I thought would try doing posting in the evening rather than the morning. It may work out and then again it may not!!

I got a little more work done at Lori's today .... cut down the wasp nest with all the dead wasps, got up on the roof and sealed the chimney, re-attached some of the gutter screening, nailed down a piece of "stuff" on the roof that was loose and tested out the cement filled drain. The drain is much better than before but I did not get all of the slope accurate and there is about 1/4 of inch of water that stays in the center of the drain. A great improvement over the 2 inches of water that remained before.

We then went out to the cemetery to see Rob's grave and put some new flowers on it. Also brought back a small angel we had put there and repainted it. I gotten nasty looking over the past year. We then went to B-Wear and got four Steeler T-shirts for Bibi Peduzzi that she wanted. At $4.99 for an embroidered shirt it is a steal. Also picked up 5 Gator ball caps for the Reagles at $.75 each, another steal.

I then spent most of the afternoon reading a book by Maria Clark about the OJ trial. It is really a good insight into our justice system. You won't have much faith in juries if you read this book. I also got the statue spray painted but need to get several more coats on it before we take it back to the cemetery.

So that's about it for this day.

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