Monday, November 23, 2009

Great Pancakes

Saturday was our first pancake breakfast of the season and we had sold 80 tickets for it. Our very capable crew did their normal fantastic job mixing up scrambled eggs, frying sausage and flipping pancakes and virtually everyone was served before 9 AM. Even though we start serving at 8:30 AM some were lined up at the door well before that.

There was a bake sale going on at the same time and they sold $113.00 of cakes etc. to benefit the Litigation Fund.

That evening Carol and I got together with Marilyn and Gus Lopes, Bob and Terry King and went to dinner at La Rocca (previously My Father's Place) and had a nice dinner. The food was very good ... Carol had the fried calamari appetizer and I had a rack of baby back ribs. Their prices are very reasonable as I spent less than $28.00 including the tip. Of course we did not have any drinks as were going to do that later!!

We danced the remaining of the evening away at Harbor Isles, the park next to ours. Jay Smith was playing and our group really enjoys his music. I guess we are senior groupies because we see him about once per month.

I spent Sunday getting the Hazelwood reunion mailing list cleaned up so I can send out post cards and e-mails about the 2011 reunion. There are about 180 postcards to send and 180 e-mails. The e-mails are the easy ones but printing, addressing and sending out the postcards is the time consuming job. I am hoping for a good return on each.

Happy turkey day .... Ours is thawing and we are going to have Carol's sister Gail over for dinner. I think she is bringing her gentleman friend too.

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