Friday, November 13, 2009

Home again

Wow, it has been over a week since I posted anything on here!!

Well we got back home on Saturday NOV 7 and got right back into the swing of things here. Sunday was mostly getting unpacked and resting. Monday was YMCA, racquetball for me and aerobics for Carol. I guess I was really rested up because I played some of my best racquetball in a year. Monday was also "get the mail" and go through all of it. Tuesday was bowling as it started a week earlier and we missed the first session. The highlight of bowling for Carol is going to lunch afterwards!!!

Wednesday Carol had a breakfast to attend and I was at the Y in the morning and the still getting caught up on mail stuff and getting ready for a Veterans Day program that our community was having in the afternoon. I took the model of the Hazelwood (the ship I served on) and put it on display at the event. It was a real nice program and it a shame that more folks did not attend.

Thursday I attended a Tin Can Sailors meeting and lunch at the Legion. Naturally there was a lot of sea stories and general "bull" going on. It is a nice bunch of guys and we all have the common experience of serving on a Tin Can (Navy Destroyer). And then on Thursday evening I call bingo at our clubhouse. I enjoy it and the attendees seem to enjoy me calling. Carol won one game so it was not a total lose for the evening.

And here it is Friday evening already. We went to the Y again this morning (8AM - 9 AM)and the went to the clubhouse to help getting set up for a dinner dance this Saturday evening. It is to celebrate Veterans Day as well as to a have a lot of fun, food and dancing. I set up the ship model again and we will have Jim and Donna Henry, friends from Tampa and John and Mary Lou Serafin (Trafford friends who live nearby) join us at the party. I expect I will have some pictures of the party to post on my next entry on this Diary.

Till then, keep smiling!!

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