Sunday, November 15, 2009

Party party

We had a great time at the party last night and it seemed everyone also did. I surprised the crowd by attending in my Navy Officer Whites complete with sword. Since it was a party to recognize veterans, I set up the Hazelwood ship model and hung up the reunion flag folding it so the word reunion did not show. It was located just as guests came in so I "manned the quarterdeck" and greeted all the guests. It was fun for me and a surprise for those attending. Just before dinner I did change out of my dress whites and went into my Tropical Whites (short sleeves like a Top Gun uniform) and that made it much more comfortable. That is Carol with John and Mary Lou Serafin our friends from Trafford who live near us.

The food prepared by Marilyn Lopes was very good and the musical entertainment was also excellent.

We got home about 10 PM and went to bed shortly afterwards. Jim and Donna Henry spent the night with us and in the morning we had coffee, conversation and a good time visiting. When they left for church, we also left and headed up to Anna Maria Island for a SCUBA "Grab the Crabs" picnic.

Those divers who had got a stone crab claw recently, entered it in the contest and the largest claw winner won first choice at a very fine array of SCUBA equipment. After they got their prizes, tickets were drawn out as a raffle for the remaining stuff. One of our tickets got drawn out after a while and I got a retractable reel that I had been looking at. Not a bad prize but I was a little late to get anything better. Our second ticket was not drawn out until the very last draw. That has happened to us so often we are getting used to it. We did get a few other small things that are OK.

The meal was fresh grouper bites and barbecue pork and the trimmings. An OK meal but not the level of Marilyn's!!!

We both were tired driving home and rested the rest of the day.

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