Saturday, October 31, 2009

Enjoying St Thomas

Thursday and Friday were days to rest. We were going to go to Magens Bay on Thursday but Carol felt a little punky so we just loafed around the pool here at the Castle. There were very few people around probably because of the large number of rooms being renovated here. I did get to look in one of the rooms being renovated and they are doing a major renovation; moving partitions and changing plumbing etc. The pool bar is still closed but getting ready to open up shortly.

Friday we picked up Hank and David and went to Magens Bay for the afternoon. David never had been there and if you have not seen it it is worth at least one trip. There were no crowds because there were no ships in. While in the water at waist depth I did see a 3 foot long barracuda swim by. There were not many other fish around and maybe that was why!!!

Carol and went to the Room With A View for their new happy hour. Five dollar wine and $5 appetizers. Too good a deal to pass up. Carol had some fried fish and I had the Calamari Provencal. Both are excellent.

This is Halloween and we plan on going to the Green House for dinner and may get to see some good costumes. It will give us the chance to see our friend Doug who is the night manager there.

Tomorrow is moving day for Hank and I will pick him up to bring him here to the Castle. We are lucky because we are going to be able to stay in the same unit and will not have to move. Hurrray, no packing and unpacking to do.

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