Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dive, Dive!!!!

On Monday Hank and I met up with Peter at Coki Beach and went on our first two dives of ten planned. There was only one other diver with us but Peter and his new “helper” dove with us. The water was a little rough and we went to Grass Cay and dove on Mary’s Mounds. Down to 65 feet for 42 minutes. Got some decent pictures with the new camera and here a couple.

We then went to Mingo Cay and dove the Mingo Mounds. Another good dive for 40 minutes.
On Wednesday I had a new battery in my dive computer so I got good information on the dives. We dove a Congo Cay and Mingo again. At Congo there was a lot of surge and the bottom was covered with Coral fans and other soft coral waving in the surge. Very pretty but I didn’t take any pictures of it. I did see about 6 nice big conch but each one had a resident and I had to leave them on the bottom. We went to 77 feet, my deepest dive to date.
At Mingo we saw a sea turtle and several barracuda. Went to 64 feet for 43 minutes. Water temperature is at 83 degrees and I have not been using a wet suit.
We now rest until Monday and will do 3 days of diving next week.

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