Monday, January 4, 2010

Recovering quickly

A happy new year for me as my feet are recovering quickly and I have had no pain at all since the operation On new years eve, I removed the bandages and cleaned up the stitches and re-bandaged. The original bandages were beginning to chafe on my feet and were getting uncomfortable. They were also quite thick and I hoped that I could get into more normal shoes since we were going out for a new years eve party. However there was still enough swelling and with bandages I had to keep wearing my "moon shoes" as Carol called them. The shoes are really sandals with Velcro straps so they can fit any size foot.

I did put on black socks to match the shoes and it made the shoes be less visible for our party.

We went to the Venice American Legion and had an OK dinner of prime rib. It was a thin cut but reasonable tasty. The band was an OK band too and they played a lot of good dance music for old folks like us!!! Gus and Marilyn as well as Bob and Terry went with us also. We had some light Hors d'oeuvres and champagne at our place before going to the club.

It was a good enough party that we actually stayed p until midnight to greet the new year!!

We even went out on January 2 to dance to the music of Jay Smith, our favorite entertainer in the area. He was playing at the Punta Gorda Elks so we had dinner there as well as dancing until 10 PM. Pretty late for old-timers but we made it. The meals were all very good and we plan on going there more for dinner more often.

Today the doctor removed my bandages and said he wold like the stitches to stay n for a few more days. I have an appointment for them to be removed on Friday.

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