Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lots of happenings

Wow, how time flies when you are busy as we are. I'll go backwards to fill things in.

We just got back from a 2 night cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Nassau in the Bahamas. We left on January 27, our 52nd anniversary ..... right, 52 years ...... It was good to get away for several days since we have been so involved in the purchase of our community from the original developer. It is going very well and we have enough to make the purchase in nearly record time. Even though the purchase has not "closed" yet we are about 99.99% sure that every thing will go through. There have been over 93 that have decided to buy into the co-operative out of the 221 home in the community. More will be coming along later.

So by about February 18 we will be owing our own own house AND the land it sets on. We had been renting the land from the developer!!

We got back Friday from the cruise and then on Tuesday we will take the motor home to Hillsboro River State Park near Tampa and spend 5 days camping with friends from Louisville. This has become an annual event for us and we really enjoy getting to see them each year.

The Saturday after we get back, Jim and his "crew" will be putting on the 4th Pancake Breakfast this season. It is a fun event and we usually get about 100 attendees. A crew of 12 guys do all the cooking, serving etc. and we have a great time.

Carol is now the Treasurer of our Homeowners Association following Jim as he decided not to run again. Jim has been deeply involved in his ship reunion coming up in April 2011. You can see that blog by looking his profile in this blog and clicking on the reunion link or going to

In March we will be going to Jacksonville to evaluate hotels for the reunion At least we will have a short rest until we go on that trip.

Jim's foot has healed very well and he is playing racquetball regularly without any pain. The removal of the bunions or bone spurs have really made things better. Several trips t a urologist have found that apparently Jim's bladder is smaller than normal and is causing him to get more than usual at night. No prostate enlargement or blockage were found and on Monday he goes to see the final results of all the tests.

I will have to get a few pictures of our cruise posted next time. By the way the cruise cost only $112 for the 2 of us plus what we spent on the cruise for personal items etc. Not a bad deal!!

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