Friday, January 8, 2010

Cold times in Florida

I can't believe we are having such cold weather so early in the season, but then every one is having the same situation. We don't usually have a cold spell last so long down here and it sure feel like New York to me. Tomorrow the HIGH is only supposed to get to 47 F. Now for us thin blooded Floridians, that's real cold.

I went to the doctor today and got my stitches out. When I told that I played racquetball on Wednesday, Walked 2 miles yesterday and then played more racquetball again today he was pleased I am recovering so quickly, though he was a little surprised that I have so so well.

Tomorrow is our Pancake Breakfast that I am the Chairman of. We have a few less tickets sold than the first 2 breakfasts but is still about 85 breakfasts we will be serving. It is a nice time for our residents to get together and socialize while having breakfast.

Much of my time the past week has been involved with the purchase of the park we live . The residents have an opportunity to buy the park since he has an offer. He was kind enough to allow a right of first refusal even though not required by law.

We had a meeting Tuesday evening to explain the details to residents and we will have several more in the coming weeks. It is confusing to most of the residents and I can understand that. But there is no doubt that if the residents own the park it will cost less to live here. Still a number of our friends just don't seem to understand it!! This is nearly a once in a lifetime opportunity and if we residents don't buy it then our rental rates will really soar out of site ..... meaning that the value of our homes on our rented land will drop and be difficult even more difficult to sell.

Some people would find problems and be negative if they won a million dollar lottery though.

We leave on Tuesday to go to the the Tampa RV show in Tampa in our motor home and camp with friends for about 5 days. The weather should get a little warmer and that will make the camping better. It will be good to get away from the stuff going on here.

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