Sunday, January 10, 2010

Carol wins the elction!!!

I forgot to make a post earlier about the election at our Homeowners Association Annual meeting on January 5.

Some background first. I have been Treasurer for 3 years and my term was ending. Because of the amount of time I am putting in on my ship's reunion I chose not to run for another 3 year term. A lot of people were concerned since it seemed no one was interested in running and possibly having the treasurer's job.

Well, lo and behold, Carol decided to run!! There were 2 openings on the Board that needed to be filled and ..... there were only 2 candidates, Carol and a board member who decided to run for re-election. Two openings and two candidates!!!

Well it was a tough campaign, but Carol and the other candidate did win!!!!! Carol is competent in the use of Quicken and familiar with Excel, the two programs used in our financial system. It will be a lot easier to get her up to speed on their use since she will be close at hand .... provided she is elected as Treasurer. You see she is only a board member now. When the new board has their first meeting they elect the officers .... President, Secretary Treasurer etc. I know she is a shoo in for the Treasurer's job though.

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