Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cruise details

I thought I would write a more complete post of our cruise. As said previously, this was a real low cost cruise for us as we only paid $112.00 for 2 nights. The cabin was small and it was an inside cabin as expected. It would have more than doubled the cruise cost if we upgraded, but for only 2 nights we felt we use the small cabin. It was really small but then we only slept in it!! We spent most of our time on deck or touring the ship.
The first night on the ship was our 52nd anniversary and we had dinner in the more elegant dining room. They even brought us a cake and did a little singing for us. Later we went to the show and they had 2 good entertainers; a singer and a comedian. Later, and Carol and I did some dancing but she really got going at the faster steps as you can see.

We arrived in Nassau in the morning and we left the ship to walk and shop the downtown area. Carol also had some old Bahamian money that she exchanged for US currency ..... a whole $1.40 worth. We did not stay off the ship long since two others arrived and the downtown area got quite crowded. We were back on the ship by noon and then loafed around the pool area reading and napping.
The ship left Nassau at 5:30 PM and we were blessed with very smooth seas the entire trip back to Ft. Lauderdale. Before dinner we hung around the bar before and had some drinks. Carol had a glass of wine and Jim tried a Margarita sampler of 5 different flavors. It was good that the samples were small but in total they were at least one drink. After dinner that evening we went to the show again with a different entertainer/singer.
We arrived in Ft. Lauderdale about 9 AM in the morning and we were were off the sip by 10:30 AM. We then went to a "tour" which turned out to be a time share sales presentation. We did get $50.00 to attend but had we know it was a time share, we would not have wasted their time ..... but we did take their $50.00.
We arrived home about 5:30 PM and got right back into the activities going on about the purchase of our community.

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