Monday, January 18, 2010

Home again - for a while

We left on Tuesday, Jan. 12 to go to the Tampa RV show and camp with other RV'ing friends. We had some very cool weather but the time spent with our friends was very good. We did look at new motor homes and once more were convinced we had the right one for us. Carol did see one she liked but I was not about to spend over $400,000 for a motor home .... and she agreed, thank goodness.

While there we had a planned schedule of who would prepare dinner and also who would do happy hour snacks each evening. There were other RV'ers with Freightliner chassis' that were parked with us so we had a lot of folks we had met before.

The show was big as usual and we were surprised at how many motor homes were indicated as sold by the end of the show. Maybe the economy is picking up more than we thought.

We also got a lot of free night camping deals at the vendors booths so we will now try to plan our summer trips around some of them. On of the good deals Carol won was a week at a campground near Key West for $199. The rates are usually $100 per night there, so I am sure we will use that one.

We got back home on Sunday and got back in to the full activity here at our community concerning the sale of the park to the residents (us!!). It looks like we are going to get enough residents to pull of the deal which will really be great for all of us in the community.

Tomorrow is bowling for us and I will be able to bowl now that my feet have healed well enough. I don't have any more excuses for bad bowling!!

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