Monday, August 2, 2010

Three Quarters of a Century

Yesterday I became three quarters of century old!! Holy smokes that sounds old. But I don't think that old, even if my body sometimes tells me that I am getting older.

We had a quiet day to celebrate my birthday. Got up a little later than usual ... about 8:30 ... and Carol asked if I was going to fix breakfast. I said "I thought that was supposed to be my question on this day". So I fixed breakfast!!

We were invited by our friends, Gus and Marilyn, to have dinner with them. Marilyn's meals are always something very special and this was no exception. A superb crab meat appetizer, stuffed mushrooms and a pork loin roast. Dessert was provided by Carol as she made my favorite, pineapple upside down cake. She knows it is my favorite but I don't see it too often; but then my waistline does not really need it.

Today we went to the YMCA and I did pool laps for 40 minutes since no one was there to pay racquetball with. My legs need the exercise since I have not been on a dive for about a month and have not been doing any real amount of snorkeling. Yea, I do all these things at 75!! Carol did her aerobics while I was in the pool.

In fact today I was emailing the Scuba place in St Thomas to arrange for 10 tanks of dives during our stay in Oct/Nov.

After the YMCA I got the needed part for my motorcycle and installed it to fix a small oil leak. Success again and a repair done for $3.18 instead of $100 or more!!

So that is all for now.

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