Saturday, August 28, 2010

Jacksonville and Home

We left Charleston by 7:30 AM and headed to Jacksonville; only about a 4 hour drive. It got hot in the coach by 10 AM so I turned on the generator and an air conditioner. (The engine air conditioner compressor is not working and it is more fuel efficient to use the diesel generator and a roof air conditioner.) We arrived about 11:30 as planned and pulled into the parking lot of the Crowne Paza JAX Airport Hotel. We had been invited to stay at no cost in their parking lot since that is where we are going to have the Hazelwood's reunion. Not a bad deal at all.

When I went to talk to the gal I had been working with on the reunion arrangements, I found out she was no longer there. She must have been a very recent departure since her cubicle still had her name tag on it!! Her replacement was just as easy to work with and we had most of the stuff finalized by the end of the day using only a relatively short meeting. After I signed the contract and gave a small deposit I arranged to get the final catering details cleared up the next day with the individual that handles that portion.

I had called the Naval Base last week and sent them a Tour Request via email early this week but still had not hard back from them. I had hoped to be able to get a face-to-face meeting to make our arrangements, but no luck.

During this Wednesday afternoon it got blistering hot again and I had to run 2 air conditioners to get the coach cooled down. I was concerned about running 2 since I was using the generator but we had no problems and it did not pop any breaker.

On Thursday I had my meeting with the catering gal and also had an appointment in the afternoon with a gal that has a tour bus company. I got all the catering details ironed out in the morning and by mid day she had them typed up and ready for my signature.

I used the hotel lobby lunch area as an office since I could get a solid connection on WiFi and it was cool. Carol and I had a nice light lunch there and we got to watch the Steeler and NY Giants game of Saturday on the TV. We missed the game when it was live.

The meeting with Ann of the tour bus company was very helpful. When she heard of my problems with the Naval base she said she would help as she has some connections there. All in all, it was a good trip in JAX even if I could not get on the base for personal meeting.

We got to bed early so we could depart by 7 AM as I had an appointment in Bradenton at 11:30 about my hearing aids. Yeah, I finally broke down and got a pair!! I seemed to have a problem with one. We made it in time and there was no real problem with the hearing aid.

Got home by 1:30 PM, unloaded the coach, parked it, showered and got ready to go to dinner and dancing with friends!! Jay Smith, our favorite entertainer was playing at the Punta Gorda Elks so we (5 of us) got there about 5:45 had dinner and then danced from 7 til 10. I was tired and not much of a party boy but we did have a good time.

Up at 7:30 AM this Saturday morning and getting back into the normal routine while waiting for our mail to come. That will keep me busy for a while.

More later .....

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