Saturday, August 7, 2010

Getting ready to head north

Today I put up the hurricane shutters since we are leaving on Tuesday for about 3 weeks. You never know when a storm may blow in on us!!

With all the hot weather and the warm water in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic I am surprised that we have not had any real storms yet. I went snorkeling in the Gulf last week and the water temperature was above 90 F. It was actually to warm to be refreshing. So I have been doing about 45 minutes in the YMCA pool 3 times a week to get my legs in shape for Scuba. The water at the Y is much more refreshing.

Even though it is not until late October when we go to St Thomas I have been contact with the Coki Beach Dive Club and have already set up our dives dates with them. If you want to see why I like Scuba so much, go to their site, and look at the videos and the still photo albums. I am not in any of the pictures or video but they are very good underwater shots and it shows the beauty of the area.

We went out with friends to the Legion last night for dinner and dancing to our favorite entertainer, Jay Smith. Dinner was good but Jay called in sick about 3 PM and the Legion had to scramble to get a replacement. He was OK but he just didn't measure up to Jay and we left a little early.

I hope to take some pictures while up north and will post some on this blog.

Later, Jim

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