Friday, August 27, 2010

Charleston visit

It was a hot drive from Trafford but we drove to a Walmart in Rocky Hill, SC before stopping. We wanted to get south of Charlotte so we would not hit the morning traffic on our departure tomorrow. The gas station at Walmart had diesel for 2.69 per gallon when using a Walmart gift card,which is a real bargain. So I got a Walmart gift card put in 89 gallons which will take us all the way home.

We arrived at the campground about 11 AM and got settled in, took showers and relaxed before going to see Joy where she works. It was so hot that I had to run both air conditioners to get the coach cooled down. I haven't had to to that but once before out west in the desert.

We arranged to pick up Joy and Kismet after she finished work and went to dinner at Chili's. It was nice to have time to visit and get updated on all she has going on. We arranged to pick Kismet up in the morning so he and I could do a lot of swimming. We got in the pool at the campground about 10:30 and didn't get out until 2 PM.

I brought my extra fins, mask and snorkel so both of us could snorkel at the same time. I also brought my camera so I could get pictures of him underwater. He was a little reluctant to try the fins but he got used to them in a short while. He also got more used to using a flutter kick rather than kicking like he was riding a bicycle. He floats like a cork and even though he cannot really swim unless he has the mask and snorkel on, he was going to the deep end of the pool with no fear. Naturally I stayed near at all times.
As I worked more with him I got him to start diving down to get an object off the bottom of the pool. It was a real challenge for him since he floats so well. He was finally able to work from the 3 foot depth to the 4 foot depth to get an ashtray we were using.

At 2 PM we finally rested and went to his favorite eating spot Chick-Fil-A and made a stop at Walmart to get some stuff we needed. By 4:30 we were back in the pool and he stayed there until 6:30 when we had to leave to get him back home.

We had to leave in the morning to get to Jacksonville so I could do more work on the Hazelwood reunion. It was a short visit but it was a good one.

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