Sunday, October 9, 2011

Puntarenas, Cost Rica

We had a day at sea yesterday on our way to Costa Rica. It was a lazy day reading, loafing, doing puzzles and playing gin rummy. The evening show was excellent with a group of four tenors called Fourever. They sounded a lot like El Divo.
The weather this entire trip so far has been quite good. The seas have been smooth even though there was a hurricane in the Pacific several days before our departure from LA.
We did get off the ship and walk around the flea market shops at the end of the pier and Carol did some shopping. She did find a necklace of native variety but we found no appropriate shirt for me.

We will have a day at sea before we arrive at the Panama Canal. It rained most of the day while heading toward the canal. We are hoping for a clear transit of the canal.

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