Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Acapulco, MEX

Rather than walking around on our own we got a tour that would allow us to see the cliff divers. It gave us a good view of many parts of the town but I took more video than still pictures. Here is the cliff. It is 136 feet from the small shrine at the upper right. Several divers dove from lower spots but the one that dove from the top spot did a back-flip from there. It is on my video so you will have to visit to see it!!

Naturally there were stops for shopping and Carol was interested in this statue. I wonder why??
During the tour our guide was telling us of how the tourist business has dropped. The number of ships coming to Acapulco is nearly dried up. During October only 2 or 3 were coming in rather than a dozen or so. Many of the hotels that were owned by major firms have been sold to local interests. The drug cartels are causing problems in the countryside. In fact while we were there the teachers had a protest parade demanding more protection from the cartels for them and the students in the more rural areas.
The next day were are scheduled to be in Hautulco, MEX, a small port.

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