Sunday, October 23, 2011

OUCH and #*%#@##+?

When we got home I got some boards to work into signs for the gal that paints and sells them. Even though I got the material on Sunday I did not start working on them until Tuesday morning because Carol and I were so tired.
In all of my many years doing woodworking I have never cut myself but that ended on Tuesday. Somehow I bumped my finger into the table saw blade and cut my left small finger at the outside base of it. I  had leather gloves on and that may have helped prevent more damage or the gloves may have pulled my finger into the blade. Either way, I am sure everyone within a block or two heard my cussing at myself for my stupidity.
We got to a local emergency room and we confirmed what I felt I already knew. I had not damaged any tendons and the nerves seemed full intact. The flesh wound did take 10 stitches to close though.
Here is what it looks like after 5 days of  healing. The redness seems to be bruising and not an infection. There is Neosporen on it for infection control and I have been taking an antibiotic.

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