Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Happy Christmas was had

The end of the year is fast approaching and I am not sure we are ready for it yet!!

Santa did come to our house on Christmas eve and there were presents under the tree in the morning. The best present for both of us is the fact that Carol's eye surgery has gone so well. The week after the right eye was done she was back at the doctors and they were very pleased with the progress as well as Carol. Her eyes are no longer dilated and she exercises them by reading small print and then looking at distant objects.She is reading the 20/16 easily at close range and she says the distant vision is "wonderful". Good by glasses and contacts!!

We celebrated a little by going out for dancing to Jay Smith on the 23rd. The snowbirds are back because the American Legion was really full. This was also the first time in a month or more that our friends, Gus and Marilyn had the opportunity to get out and "shake a booty".

About a month ago Gus's 96 year old mother ( who lives with them) fell and broke her hip. It was only two weeks and she was back home and is doing amazingly well. She is using a walker and getting around better than most 96 year olds without having broken a hip. Gus and Marilyn also have her 93 year old mother living with them!

On Christmas day we had Dinner at our house with Carol's sister, Gail and her friend Angelo plus we had Gus and Marilyn family (all 4) also. It made the day really pleasant having a fine group like that at our home. It was like an old fashioned Christmas for us.

It also made it very nice to hear from Joy, our daughter, during the day. It is always makes our day when she calls.

It is only 4 months away from the Hazelwood reunion that Jim is the Chairman of. It is taking more time now to get things properly organized, mailings out and making sure the schedule is accurately set. Jim has been pleased with all of the favorable comments he has gotten from shipmates who have been logging into the blog. He even gets calls several times a week from some really old timers (WW II) vets.

Several of the Christmas cards we got this year brought sad news of the passing of several long time friends. That's what happens at the age we are now.

We wish every one a very Happy New Year.

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