Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Batteries and eyes!!

Carol had her right eye operated on last Tuesday 12/14 and it went much better that the first eye. This time Carol knew what to expect and even though she expected her vision in that eye would be poor for a while, it was much better than the first eye, Tomorrow she goes to see the doctor and will have the 2 small stitches removed. She alredy stopped the drops that dialate the eye so her vision is now near normal.

Last week I went to our motor home to start it and run it on the road for a good warm up. When I went to start the engine, it barely turned over but it finally did and got started. Then I noticed that one of the air tanks was showing zero air pressure and the check engine light was on. That is not a good thing since there air brakes on the motor home. I checked the tanks by pulling drain valves and both tanks actually had air in them. I shut down the engine and restarted and this time the check engine light was not lighted (good!) but the one tank still showed zero air (bad!). Rather than taking our drive I called a Freightliner facility and made an appointment to have the situation looked at ($$$$). I did let the engine run for a long time to charge up the engine batteries. I also called my battery guy and planned to have the engine batteries change the next day since it was quite apparent they were not holding a charge very well.

The next morning the engine barely turned over but finally caught on properly and started. Again I had a check engine light that was on but the air tanks both showed the proper pressure!! But now the volt meter showed zero voltage on the batteries!! I ran the engine for a while and shut it down and restarted and the check engine light went out but the volt meter still showed zero. I drove it to Venice and had the engine batteries replaced and then all the gages were reading AOK. The computer must have been taking a small fit because of the low voltage. So I cancelled the Freightliner appointment and felt relieved.

This week we having Gus and Marilyn Lopes and their mothers over to have Christmas dinner with us along with Carol's sister Gail and her friend. We may even have John and Mary Lou Serafin join us if they have no other plans. So we may have a house full and it will be enjoyable.

Thursday, Jay Smith is playing at the Venice American Legion so we will be dancing to his music that evening with Gus and Marilyn.

Merry Christmas to all.

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