Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Carol's eye - Update

Carol went to the doctor on Monday 12/13 to have her left eye checked and it is doing very well. She is able to see at close to 20/20 near and far and it is still improving. Quit apparently she will not need any glasses which is going to make her very pleased.

The doctor's appointment Monday was also in prep for the operation on the second eye which was done on Tuesday 12/14. That operation went even better than the first. That eye had better vision on the next day than the first eye did at that time. This has made her feel much better about the whole situation.

She will go back next week to have two small stitches removed. Prior to that appointment she will stop taking the medication that dilates the eye. The dilation is needed for the type lens she got but it does cause the vision to be less than normal.

We are both pleased that all is going so well.

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