Saturday, August 15, 2015


Since it was Carol's birthday dinner the restaurant even provided a birthday "cake". It was really a creme boules!! That is a whole lot better than plain ole' birthday cake!!

Prior to Carol's dinner,after having breakfast on the patio of the Del, facing the Pacific Ocean, we went for a short stroll on Orange Avenue. Weather here was really nice as the early morning temperatures were about 66 F and very dry. We even slept with the window open at night! Since we had the day to tour, we took a trolley tour but only got off at one stop, Old Town. This is where San Diego actually began. There were plenty of Mexican places so we had to stop and have a margarita and some chips and salsa!! We didn't want to spoil dinner.
The next day, Tuesday, we drove to LA, had lunch at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican place that had really good Mexican food. Since we were departing the area early in the morning we stayed close to the airport.
Now I am trying to think of how I can top this birthday for Carol. It will be a challenge!!

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