Thursday, August 29, 2013

RV Trip - Stop 1 - Savannah

This post and the next 6 are a diary of our recent trip up north for a number of reasons. We were gone for a total of 25 days and drove the motor home a total of 3426 miles. We made 6 significant stops and if you don't have anything better to do for a while you can visit all 6 posts to see how these "old timers" are spending our golden years and our money!!!!

We were originally going to depart North Port on AUG 4 but Jim found out The Lady Chablis was going to be in Savannah on AUG 3. Lady Chablis was one of the main characters in the book and movie " Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", by John Berand. If you have not seen or read the book it is a true story about a murder in Savannah. Very good book and movie.

So we got to Savannah, had a pleasant dinner and went to the show to see Lady Chablis emcee the show at Club One, where the show is a number of cross dressers!! Yes, it is a gay bar and show!!! I did not have a good camera with me but I did get a picture of Lady Chablis on my cell phone.
Even though picture is not high quality you can see Chablis is a good looking slender person.  Carol would have really liked to have several of the gowns worn by Chablis. Chablis' name prior to her current one was FRANK. Yes "she" is a guy but you would never know while dressed!!

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