Sunday, August 19, 2012

Key Largo SCUBA trip

On August 15 Carol and I drove to Key Largo so I could go SCUBA diving a couple of days, Spiny Lobster Season opened on August 6 and I wanted to dive for some and see if I could get a few. Prior to going I tried to find a dive shop that did lobster trips but fond none so I was gong to do dives on wrecks.
After we go there I drove around and finally found a shop that does lobster dive trips and arranged for  2 dives on Friday. On Thursday I did a dive on a wreck and one on a reef looking at the fish etc.
I got a little disappointed on my first dive because I turned my camera on to take pictures of the wreck and it would not function correctly. When I got back on the boat I found out that it had flooded!! So I am contacting the maker of the camera to  have it sent in for repairs.
I did get a couple of pictures when Carol and I arrived at the motel. It was the most unique motel we have ever stayed at. It had 2 floors with a bedroom, large sitting area and bath on the 2nd floor. The first floor had a sitting area, a full kitchen, balcony and another bath. Quite apparently these units had been apartments or condos at one time. There was also a pool for the guests.

As you can see the view is great and even though we did not use the kitchen much, it was nice to have a full refrigerator.

The dive on Friday for lobsters was a lot of fun. Three of us dove together and it was not long before one guy spotted one. We all helped capture the rascal as the lobsters are not happy about being caught. When they scoot away, they really go fast. They hide under coral and in the nooks and crannies of it. After catching it, he measured it and it was of legal size so it was a keeper. We did not see any more on that dive but we were the only group that came up with a lobster.
On the second dive we moved to another reef and I spotted one under a large chunk of coral and we nearly got him but he shot away, never to be seen again. Near the end of the dive the other guy spotted one in a hole in some coral and we could not get him. The holes in this coral group had a maze of tunnels and he got out of our sight,
We did see other interesting sights such as a large Moray eel hiding in the coral. That thing was about 9 inches in diameter at the head. We never saw how long it was because he would not come out even with all of our coaxing. One of group looked under a  ledge for lobster and came face to face with a 4 foot nurse shark. It swam away without bothering anyone as they are usually quite docile, thank goodness.
All in all it was a very good diving trip and I am definitely going beck to chase after lobsters again

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