Friday, August 10, 2012

Carol's Birthday

Yes, today was Carol's birthday but we will not say how old she is at this point.  I told her I was taking her to dinner but we were to stop at Gus and Marilyn's for a "drinky po" before dinner. In fact it was to be a surprise dinner for her at their place. Gail, Carol's sister, Angelo, Ernie and Sonya also came to make it a special evening for  Carol.
Marilyn served her great appetizers and then we had dinner of her special pizza. As usual it was a great meal.

Of course after the meal there was the traditional birthday cake. Carol seemed a little overwhelmed with all that was going on but she was still able to blow out the candle on the cake.
It is great living here in Riverwalk and having such great friends around us.

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