Wednesday, August 10, 2011

More on Carol's birthday

We were able to surprise Carol with a little party given by Marilyn and Gus Lopes. I was going to get Carol to go over to their house and surprise her there .... but .... their air conditioning went on the fritz. So Marilyn brought all the stuff to our house and we had our surprise here. The surprise to Carol was apparently complete as it brought her to tears when she realized what was going on.
Here is the crew. Angie, Gail, Gus, Carol, terry, Marilyn and Mazie. I am behind the camera!

Marilyn brought enough food to feed plenty more than we had attending. She even did a cake and Carol got to make a wish and blow out the candles after a rendition of Happy Birthday.
Both Carol and I appreciate such great friends as Gus and Marilyn.

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