Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Several days after we returned home from the Hazelwood reunion I was roused out of our computer/laundry room by a loud scream from Carol. She was in the bathroom getting ready to shower when she screamed and I came a running!! She said she saw a large spider and it was behind the commode. I got our wasp spray while she watched for it.

When I sprayed behind the commode the spider came out running and I continued to spray it. The spray did not stop it but only slowed it down. It was the largest spider I have ever seen out side of a zoo!! I continued to herd it around with the spray while I had Carol get my camera and a ruler. No one was going to believe this unless I had a picture that showed the size!!!

After I got several pictures I smacked it with the ruler and we flushed it down the commode.

I then went online to see if it I could identify it because I thought it might have been a Brown Recluse Spider. There is no doubt at all that it was a Brown Recluse. If you Google search and read about them you will find that their bite is very dangerous. Their poison causes your flesh to basically rot away unless immediate and proper medical attention is given flesh.

We set out some glue board traps which were recommended by the article we found on line. So far we have not caught any others, or anything for that matter, in the traps.

We are still a little nervous when going in the bathroom at night!!
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