Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enjoying Life

For the last week or so I have been snorkeling in the YMCA pool instead of playing racquetball. I getting my legs in shape for a SCUBA dive coming up on Tuesday June 15. I am going out on a boat with Capt. Gill Cross and he specializes in going to spots where many fossilized sharks teeth can be found. He had a little seminar over Memorial Day weekend and had about 2 dozen large teeth (2-5" long) on a table and said they had found those in the last couple of weeks.

I am looking forward to the dive and hoping to come home with at least several good fossils. I did go out to snorkel in the gulf last week and the water had to be in the low 90's. It was so warm that it was actually a little too warm. The visibility was very poor as I could hardly see my hand when I extended my arm so I did not snorkel very long. The surf was also a little more than was enjoyable.

This morning I went out and the water was much clearer but a little cooler and there was no surf at all. I did find a number of nice shells and I also found that my legs are in much better shape for snorkeling and SCUBA. I spent about 50 minutes in the water and did not feel any tiredness in my legs.

We have been going out nearly weekly to have dinner with our friends Gus and Marilyn and then dancing to Jay Smith. I guess you could call us senior groupies!! The last place we went to dinner was called Ivy's Steakhouse and neither of had been there before. We will be going back since it was very good. This coming Thursday a group of us are going to an Amish restaurant in Sarasota. They have a buffet that is said to be very good. That does not surprise me since their home location is in Walnut Creek, Ohio, the heart of Amish country. No dancing to Jay Smith afterwards though!!

The summer weather is upon us with temperatures in the low 90's in the afternoon and an occasional thunderstorm. Mornings are in the mid 70's and humidity is quite high.

This coming Sunday we are taking the motorhome to the east coast and spending 5 nights at Sebastian Inlet State Park. I may get some snorkeling in but I doubt if I will get any SCUBA.

Still no oil on our coasts here in southern Florida and we hope it stays away.

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