Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sebastian Inlet

Last week we spent 5 nights in the motorhome at Sebastian Inlet State Park. A nice park right on the inlet and overlooking the Indian River Lagoon. Water flowed in and out of the lagoon with the tides and it was a fast flow at the narrow part of the inlet.

There was a swimming spot on the other side of the inlet and still part of the State Park. When the tide was high the "pool" was nearly 100 yards across but at low tide it got down to about 20 yards. I did some snorkeling here at high tide and near the point where the water comes in there were about 20 snook. They were about 18 to 24 inches long and quite a sight. One of them had a long piece of heavy twine tied around it's tail and I tried to grab it but could not get close enough.

I thought about snorkeling in the Atlantic but the surf was more than I wanted to fight. Carol and I did walk the Atlantic beach one afternoon and picked some trash. We were actually looking for gold but found none washed up on the beach!

In July of 1715 a fleet of 11 or 12 Spanish galleons loaded with gold got sunk by a hurricane right off this coast. People have been recovering gold from the area for years. In fact, Mel Fisher, the treasure hunter who fond the Atocha made is first large treasure findings here in the late 1940's.

There is a museum at the site where the survivors of the hurricane and shipwrecks camped and worked salvaging the gold. It is a very interesting story. The area is called the Treasure Coast because of the shipwrecks and the finding of gold even yet today. I may try to SCUBA it someday because the reefs are quite close to the shore.

Camping friends came to visit us while we were there and we had a good afternoon with them. We also made arrangements to go to Lazy Days near Tampa for 4 nights in mid July so we can visit with them more

While at the park, our satellite dish could not find the Direct TV satellite so Carol had to watch normal TV. After doing all I could to correct the problem I finally called the company and found a service guy in Wachula, Fl. Since we were going to be passing within 20 miles of Wachula we made arrangements to meet up with him on our way home. In a very short time he upgraded the program in the equipment and it is now working again.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Shark Tooth Dive

On Tuesday, June 15 I went on a shark tooth SCUBA dive with Capt. Gil Cross into the Gulf of Mexico just of Manasota Beach. Gil has a 50 foot boat but only carries 6 paying passengers on a trip. It is licensed as a "six pack" boat!

When I got to the dock Gil was up on the flying bridge waiting for me but I did not see anyone else around but did not think it was odd since I was early. I jokingly said "Is it just you and me today?" and he replied, much to my surprise, "Yes, just you and me." I still thought he was joking, but not so. He said he was going to do some diving also since he makes an income from the sharks teeth he finds as well as other fossils.

For those who may not be aware, the Venice, Florida area is a very good place to find fossilized sharks teeth and other fossils. The teeth range in age from 2 to 35 million years old!!

On the first dive we went to a spot that was about a mile off shore of Manasota Beach and in about 30 feet of water. Gil came up with about 10 small teeth that could be used to make necklaces but I came up empty handed. We moved to spot closer to shore and over a reef that runs parallel to the beach in about 18 feet of water.

Because of an equipment problem Gil did not dive this time and he watched my bubbles from the boat. I was down only about 15 minutes and say what looked like a broken shell in a crevice of the reef. When I picked it up I realized I had a real nice Megalodon sharks tooth that was about 4 1/2 inches long. It was covered with marine "stuff" on it but it still was quite apparent what it was. A little later I found a second tooth but it had a corner broken off and was not a nice as the first one.

Here is a picture of it if you have never seen one.
It did not clean up as well as I would have liked but I will talking to Capt. Gil about how to clean it up better.

We leave this Sunday for 5 days on the east coast at Sebastian Inlet State Park and I may get to
do some diving there. At least I will take my gear and see how it works out.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enjoying Life

For the last week or so I have been snorkeling in the YMCA pool instead of playing racquetball. I getting my legs in shape for a SCUBA dive coming up on Tuesday June 15. I am going out on a boat with Capt. Gill Cross and he specializes in going to spots where many fossilized sharks teeth can be found. He had a little seminar over Memorial Day weekend and had about 2 dozen large teeth (2-5" long) on a table and said they had found those in the last couple of weeks.

I am looking forward to the dive and hoping to come home with at least several good fossils. I did go out to snorkel in the gulf last week and the water had to be in the low 90's. It was so warm that it was actually a little too warm. The visibility was very poor as I could hardly see my hand when I extended my arm so I did not snorkel very long. The surf was also a little more than was enjoyable.

This morning I went out and the water was much clearer but a little cooler and there was no surf at all. I did find a number of nice shells and I also found that my legs are in much better shape for snorkeling and SCUBA. I spent about 50 minutes in the water and did not feel any tiredness in my legs.

We have been going out nearly weekly to have dinner with our friends Gus and Marilyn and then dancing to Jay Smith. I guess you could call us senior groupies!! The last place we went to dinner was called Ivy's Steakhouse and neither of had been there before. We will be going back since it was very good. This coming Thursday a group of us are going to an Amish restaurant in Sarasota. They have a buffet that is said to be very good. That does not surprise me since their home location is in Walnut Creek, Ohio, the heart of Amish country. No dancing to Jay Smith afterwards though!!

The summer weather is upon us with temperatures in the low 90's in the afternoon and an occasional thunderstorm. Mornings are in the mid 70's and humidity is quite high.

This coming Sunday we are taking the motorhome to the east coast and spending 5 nights at Sebastian Inlet State Park. I may get some snorkeling in but I doubt if I will get any SCUBA.

Still no oil on our coasts here in southern Florida and we hope it stays away.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I must be lazy or busy!!!!

Since my last post Carol and went to spend a week at a time share in Daytona Beach. We had not been there in several years and used a banked RCI week to stay at a Wyndham resort right on the beach. It was a large place with two towers of rooms, 3 outdoor pool, a "lazy river" for tubing, a hot tub and two indoor pools. Of course it was right on the beach.

We were a little surprised that there were very few driving on the beach as it was when we went there many years ago. Of course they now charge to go on the beach with your car, so I am sure that has reduced the cars. The overall beach is about the same as it still very wide and has a very gentle slope in the water. You can walk quite far into the surf and still have the water only up to your waist.

I went to do some snorkeling at the beach and as I was walking out my feet got quite cold. So cold that I did not want to get the rest of me wet!! The water temperature had to be in the mid to high 70's rather than in the 80's. Too cool for me!! Overall the weather was warm but not as warm as at home.

The resort was right next to a movie and restaurant complex. We did not go to any movies but we did eat at Bubba Gump's Seafood and had a delightful meal. A Sloppy Joe's was also there plus some fast food places. While doing some walking of the city we found a great Greek and Pizza place and had lunch and dinner there on two occasions. Their small Greek salad was huge and when we each got one, we took a complete one back to the condo.

One evening we went to the Ponce Inlet area and had a good seafood meal and had a good guitar player to entertain us. He is the first entertainer I ever go to play my favorite Jimmy Buffet song "Let's Get Drunk and Screw"!!! However, neither Carol or I got drunk!!

We left Daytona to spend time in Jacksonville to evaluate hotels for the upcoming Hazelwood reunion in 2011. You can read about that week in my Hazelwood Blog when I get it posted in a day or two. Get to it, if you wish, by clicking on it in my profile area.

On the 20th of this month we are taking the motorhome to Sebastian Inlet State Park on the east coast of FL for 5 nights. We are making our RV trips shorter but still want to run the motorhome to keep it in shape.

So that's about it for mow

Before we arrived at the condo, at the beginning of our week,we stopped a massive flea market and spent several hours wandering it. I did find some nice (cheap!) sunglasses to replace my scratched ones.