Wednesday, November 7, 2012

St Thomas SCUBA

Carol and I have returned from our annual 2 weeks in St Thomas and I got in more SCUBA than usual. I also worked on upgrading my certificate which gives  me more latitude on the type of dives I can do safely. I took training on deep dives (up to 100 ft), underwater navigation, photography,  wreck diving and night diving. All dives were a lot of fun and a true learning experience.
I now have competed 77 dives since getting certified 5 years ago, at age 72. That means I have completed 77 d1ves at age 77!! I sure wish I had gotten started earlier!
Here I am taking some pictures while at about 40 feet underwater.
Carol does not dive with me but she gets some relaxation time while I am underwater. Here she is at Coki Beach enjoying the view in the shade.
She does get in the water from time to time though. At Coki Beach the fish are very friendly and usually surround you when you get in the water. They are looking to be fed from dog bones that the vendors sell at the beach!!
If Carol had a dog bone there would have been more fish around her!!

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