Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Eve Party ... or was it 2 parties!!!!

We had some difficulty finding a reasonably priced New Years Eve party to attend this year. Most were costing $50.00 per person and some even higher.
It seems the primary reason for the high costs is the live entertainment. Jay Smith, our preferred entertainer, charges $3000.00 for performing on New Years Eve. If 100 individuals attend such a party that is $30.00 a person for entertainment alone. Most parties have a dinner and midnight Champagne, so you can see  how the cost can skyrocket.
We finally found a party at the Holiday Travel Park in Englewood that was only charging $20.00 per person with live entertainment and a buffet. Jay Smith spoke highly of the entertainer so Gus and Marilyn and we decided to get tickets to it.
The friends who arranged for our tickets were to be there early since they said the parking was quite limited. The buffet was scheduled for 8 PM and we arrived at 7:30 PM and were surprised that our friends were not there yet. So we waited  ... and waited ...! It did not look as though they were even going to have a buffet as advertised.
Finally Marilyn went up to the ticket takers at the entrance and showed them our ticket stubs. Of course they had taken the one portion when we came in. The fellow who looked at our tickets said we were at the wrong party!!!
The person who took our tickets must have been senile since our tickets were buff in color and the tickets everyone else had were purple in color!!  So we found out we were at Holiday Park Estates which is next door to the Holiday Travel Park!! We hustled our stuff together and followed the directions of a helpful guy and arrived at our proper party just in time to get in line for the buffet. Naturally we found our friends there and they were wondering where we had been. They got quite a laugh about our mistake.
So we did have a good time with a very good entertainer, decent food, a nice facility and a good crowd. We brought the New Year in with some of our own Champagne and then headed on home. Folks our age don't spend much time out after midnight!!!!

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