Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SCUBA at St Thomas

One of my main enjoyments at ST Thomas is SCUBA. Hank and I get a 10 tank package from Coki Beach Dive Club and this gets us 5 boat trips to various locations. It is a small boat and is licensed to carry only 6 paying passengers so it is a nice personal situation. Here is Pete the owner, Hank and me at about 40 feet under water somewhere around St Thomas.

Here is a spiny lobster, one of many we saw. If you click on the picture you will see it larger and if you look closely you will see there are actually 3 lobsters in the picture. We saw plenty of other sea life such as a small nurse shark, sting ray, eels, barracuda, sea turtle and a shovel nose lobster.

We do not normally do any "hunting" for sea life, but on one of the dives the dive master brought up a spiny lobster for me. I had told him how Carol was wanting to have one for dinner and he got it for her, not me!! Here it is back at our condo waiting to be dinner for us!!

And here it is ready to be eaten for dinner!! Caribbean Lobster do not have claws as do Maine Lobster and I was surprised how much better the tail meat was on this lobster. Much better than Maine Lobster. It was a large enough tail for us to share with a salad and have enough .... with some rum of course!!!

Yum Yum. Can't wait until next year and maybe I can talk them into several lobsters.

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