Thursday, October 21, 2010
St Thomas preparations underway
We need the R&R as both of us are hurting some. Carol has been having problems with her back more than ever the last month or two. Right now she is at the doctor's for a routine checkup but he want to get some xrays of her back to see what might be causing her problem. Her back has been bad enough that she decided that bowling this year was out of the question.
I have been having problems with my right thumb joint which the doctor said is arthritis. At times it is so painful that I can't even hold a pencil. Then for extended periods there is no pain!!! About a month ago I pulled some muscles in my right arm while using a lopper to cut down a bush in our yard. The arm is still very sensitive and I have trouble reaching higher than my head. It is slowly getting better but bowling is out of the question for me also.
Saturday we will drive to Miami and park our car at a hotel near the airport (at a low cost) and then fly direct to St Thomas. We don't leave MIA until 430 PM and arrive in STT at 730 PM. We will be staying the first week at Bluebeard's Beach Club, right on the Caribbean, and the second week at Bluebeard's Castle, above the town. These are the same places we have been staying for most of our 20 plus years of going to St Thomas and we enjoy them.
When we get back I expect to have some pictures of our trip to post.
More later.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Beach Drummers
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Yard Work

Since we had our lamp post installed our neighbor across the street had one put in also. The our next door neighbor got one installed!! Friends several doors away returned from "up north" and we heard they are also planning to have one installed. We may have started a trend!!
I got an email from the SCUBA shop I deal with and they are having a shark's tooth dive this coming Saturday. It will be done from the beach and they will have a food and drinks available. I called my dive buddy, Val, and he and I are planning to do the dive. If the surf is up I will just sit on the beach and watch the others struggle with the surf!!
The group we camp with are making arrangements to camp at the Tampa RV show again this January. We have been doing this with them the last several years and they are lot of fun.
I also called and spoke to Hank my St Thomas dive buddy to firm up our plans for that trip. We will be there starting OCT 23 and returning NOV 6. We already have 10 dives scheduled and may get in a few more from the beach.
The weather here is finally getting a little cooler and more comfortable. Temperatures are finally in the mid 80's instead of 90's.
More later.