Thursday, March 25, 2010

Long Time No Post !!!!!!

Wow, I did not realize it had been so long since I made a post to this blog. Now I am going to catch up some.

Late last month we had the opportunity to visit with our friends form Groton, CT when they were in the area visiting. We have know Jan and Charlie Kepner since Jim was in the Navy nearly 50 years ago. They were visiting Jan's sister in Venice only about 8 miles from us. Her sister arranged for a luncheon so Jan and Charlie could see all their friends in the area without having to run all over the place. It was a very nice affair and we also got to meet some new acquaintances. In fact we found out that Jan's brother-in-law and I graduated from Rensselaer in the same year. It's always nice to meet alumni.

We are still going out to see our favorite entertainer for dancing whenever we can. Late in February we went to the Punta Gorda Elks and had a fine time. Then the next week end they were having their annual Lobster fest. There were three couples that went to that. Marilyn and Gus bought a couple of tickets on a four pound Maine lobster and won it!!

Jim chair-maned the last pancake breakfast for our community and had a record number of tickets sold. There are five breakfast during the season and we will start again in November. A fine breakfast of Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs all for the low price of $3.00.

We were off to dance to Jay Smith again at Harbor Isles, the community next to ours. Who said the seniors just sit around and do nothing!!!! We sure don't! We were going to dance to Jay again this Friday but Jim had an accident and we have to cancel.

While playing racquetball at the YMCA he got too close to his partner and got clobbered on the nose by his partners racquet. He was hit on the cartilage of the nose so no bones were broken. Naturally a nose bleed started but it was under control in about 10 minutes. However when we got home it started bleeding again and much more than originally. Since he could not get it stopped we went to our doctor. He could not stop it either and we went to the emergency room. While at the doctor's office Jim did find a pressure point that did stop the bleeding.

At the emergency room Jim told them of the blood that had gotten into his ears. This happened when he was pinching his nose to stem the bleeding. Even though the blood was not coming out of his nose, it was backing up in his nose and got into the ears. They were concerned he had a fracture and did a CT Scan to be sure there were on bone fragments ..... there were none.

Finally about 3 PM (this all started about 9 AM) they finally cauterized the left nostril where the most bleeding was and plugged the right nostril. Talk about pain!!!!! Jim nearly passed out at one point. They jammed a plastic tube with packing around it way, way up each nostril by hand. He felt as though he was being tortured in a prison camp. At least the bleeding was stopped.

Now even though he can breath a little through each tube he still cannot sleep without his mouth being open. The dry mouth is very uncomfortable.

Tomorrow we go to another doctor to get the tubes taken out and I hope the bleeding is healed and no more tubes are required. If so, they are going to have use an anesthetic!!!!!

We are getting close to departing on our cruise to Rome. We leave on April 10 and get back late on April 28. I am sure I will have a lot of stories when we get back

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