Friday, July 15, 2011

New York City

After leaving Shinglehouse PA we headed to NYC and went into an RV campground in Jersey City, the closest RV campground to NYC. Our first day was spent on a bus tour and we got to go over the major parts of the city. Here we are in Central Park. The 40 foot tour bus had only Carol and I and one other person on the tour so we go very personalized attention

One of the stops on the tours was Rockefeller Center and here is Carol overlooking the ice skating rink which is a restaurant during the summer. Later in the week we came back here to see the Today Show in the morning.

The tour ended in the Ground Zero area and we could see that the new tower is over half way up to it's final height.

I am a big fan of Pastrami sandwiches and we got to have lunch at Katz's Deli on Houston Street in the lower East Side. What a fantastic sandwich!! We only got one and Carol could not even finish her half and I struggled to finish it for her.

After lunch we walked around Little Italy and Chinatown.

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