Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Diving in Tortola

When we docked in Tortola, British Virgin Islands I had arranged for a Scuba dive on the wreck of the RMS Rhone. This ship sunk during a hurricane in the 1860's.. It was a 300 foot long ship and it now broken into two parts. These pictures were taken around the forward part of the ship which is the largest segment. In one of the pictures you can see we actually swam through some of the ship. While going through, we saw 2 large turtles having lunch on some of the stuff on the ship. I missed getting their picture though.

The wreck is in about 78 feet of water. The water temperature was 75F but did not feel too cool as I had on a shortie wet suit and a full length "skin". We went down our boat's anchor line and then swam into the current to reach the wreck.The current was somewhat strong but that made the swim back to our anchor line easy.

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