Tuesday, May 14, 2019


WOW, It has been a long time since I posted anything here and a lot of things have happened since my last post!!
Most are medical in nature!
About a year and half ago we were returning from a cruise and I was not feeling well at all. Prior to getting on the cruise I had gone an immediate care center and they gave me a Z-pack for what they said was a mild case of pneumonia. It did not seem to cure me! In addition my legs were retaining significant water. So we stopped at the same medical center and when the doctor (a different one)looked at me she said I should immediately go to the emergency room. She was so insistent that I did.

At the emergency room they started checking me all over and when was all done they said I nay have had a heart attack!! They also diagnosed me as having Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) and Sugar Diabetes!!  I spent a couple of days there and they added some medications to my long list of pills.

A week later I was feeling really lousy as Carol and I were going out shopping. I told her to take me to the emergency room and she finally did. Once again my medications were changed and reduced in numbers. That seem to really help. After getting out of the hospital I was feeling reasonably well except for the loss of energy which is a norm thing with A-Fib. It wore me out to walk from the car to the door going into Wal-Mart!!!

After about a year of this one of my friends said he had A-Fib but had a procedure done called Ablation and it cured him of the tiredness. I finally got to discuss that with my Cardiologist and he referred ne to a doctor that specializes on the procedure and he said I was  candidate.

He did the procedure on April 22, 2019 and all went well. They run a catheter from the groin to the heart to look at it and do the procedure. Both he and are were surprised that he found significant scarring in the heart which confirmed that I did have a heart attack about a year and half ago.

The procedure has reduced my tiredness but not as much as expected. I am going to see the doctor in a week or so for a follow up and we will see what he says.  He may recommend  a pacemaker!! What will be will be.

More to follow when I know more.