Friday, March 25, 2016


It is now Late March and as expected virtually all symptoms are gone from the stroke. What small symptoms are left are not noticeable to others but Jim notices them. Such as, typing on the computer is not as good previously as more typos are made. My left fingers seem to have forgotten where the keys are!!  I have more "senior moments" and forget names for short times that I have known for years. Maybe these things are normal when getting old but they did increase after the stroke.
I was advised to see a vascular surgeon about a month after the stroke and I went to one in Sarasota highly recommended by 2 of my doctors. He did another Carotid sonogram and said that my right Carotid was not blocked as much previously thought but the blockage was quite ragged. If a piece broke off it could cause another stroke. After doing more consultations with my Cardiologist he advised to have the right carotid cleaned out!
That operation was completed on Tuesday March 22 in the morning and I was released on Wednesday after lunch.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital is a great hospital and much better than Venice where I was treated for my stroke. Venice ER was very good but the rest of the place seemed understaffed.
Here is a picture of the fellow bringing me breakfast on Wednesday morning.
He looks like he is serving in an upscale restaurant rather a hospital!!

Here I am before and after surgery. Most of the stitches are internal and that is why you don't see them. The small bandage is where a drainage tube as inserted and since removed. Of course I bruise very easily since taking Aspirin and recently, Plavix.

Even the discharge procedures are upscale! Carol parked in free Valet parking and when we went to leave they took us to the Lounge for patients being discharged. It is a separate area away from the normal exit. They arranged for our car to come to this location to pick us up and then offered us coffee, tea, sodas, donuts or other snacks. A real class operation.
My first night at home was reasonably comfortable and I had no strong pain. The second evening home Carol and I went out to the Elks for dinner and dancing so I must be doing OK!!  Monday we see the surgeon and he will take care of the bandage I guess.
Many thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers.