Sunday, October 14, 2012

Soul Food??

One of the things that Carol and I have enjoyed over the years is the local food. This ranges from food where we were raised to other places we have visited. On our recent trip to Troy we made several stops at our past favorite eating spots.
Here we are in Cincinnati at the Montgomery Inn having a slab of ribs and onion straws. We split one meal and still took a few ribs home with us!!
While in Troy we went to Red Front Pizza which is still there after over 50 years. That is a small pizza in front of Carol!! We finished half of it and had the remains over the next few days.
Another favorite spot in Troy is Ted's Fish Fry. They deep fry fresh cod and have an excellent sauce to put on it.
In 4 days at Troy we made 2 stops at Ted's and one day we split 3 sandwiches between the two of us. We never had any leftovers from Teds!!
Also in Troy we stopped for Hot Dogs at Famous Lunch. They serve small sized dogs with a great chili sauce on them. The hot dogs are from a local provider, Helbold,s and they are natural skinned with great flavor. They used to be 10 cents each when I was in college 55 years ago and I would get 10 for a meal!! I missed getting a  picture but next time I won't!!
In Zanesville we made our stop at Tumbleweed and I got my Beef Burrito Deluxe and of course had to have a margarita to help wash it down.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Short stop in Warwick RI

We got to West Warwick RI early in the afternoon and parked at another Elks lodge and then transferred the DD-531 ship model to Richard Ernst. He and his wife Ann are doing the local planning of our ship reunion in April 2013. We went with them to look at the hotel where the reunion is to be held reunion and we checked out the lounge. They have found an excellent place for the reunion.
We had dinner with them next door at a very nice seafood restaurant. It would have been nice to spend more time in the area but we decided to leave in the morning and head to Troy so we could get some things done prior to the start of the official activities.

Wedding Bells

We arrived in Zanesville, OH on Wednesday SEP 26 and parked at the Dillon State Park so we could have power during our stay. Lori and Brad's wedding was scheduled to be on Saturday and my sister, Jeannie, was arriving on Thursday. It was nice that Lori was able to pick up my sister at the Columbus airport as she was in Columbus and coming to Zanesville on the same morning that Jeannie was arriving.
We made our usual stop at Rob's grave site and Carol did some cleanup and decorating.
The wedding on Saturday was a very nice event and we were happy to see that Lori is now returning to a more normal life. She and Brad were high school sweethearts but drifted apart after both went to college.
Since we had a tight schedule, we departed the day after the wedding, Sunday SEP 30 and headed for Trafford. On the way we dropped Jeannie at the Pittsburgh airport and she picked up a rental car. She was planning to stay in the area for several days visiting old friends.
Our main reason for stopping in Trafford was to drop off some Mint Julep pre-mixed cocktails to Rey and Bib Peduzzi!! As usual we parked the middle school paring lot but had to be out early on Monday morning because of school hours.
 We departed at 6 AM and drove in fog and rain for several hours on our way to Warwick RI. We stopped just short of NYC in Parsippany NJ at an Elks lodge. It was a good place to stay and we were even able to get some reasonable priced diesel (for that area) in the morning. ($4.08 per gallon!!). We left early enough in the morning to miss most of the rush  hour traffic and crossed the Tappan Zee bridge north of NYC easily ..... except for a toll of $24.75 for the motor home and our towed car!!