Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Faux New Years Eve Party

While we and most of our closer friends do not act as many OLD folks do, there is a contingent in our community that does!!

For the last several years our community has been having a new years eve party that started about 5 PM. Since entertainment on that night is very expensive, no entertainment was arranged except for records being played.
They also set the clocks ahead three hours at the start of the party!!
Then at 9 PM, (midnight on the clock) they celebrated the coming in of the new year!!! And of course then everyone went home by 9:30 PM. Carol and our friends Gus and Marilyn went to some other party because we  wanted to really bring in the new year.
This year they wanted to have live entertainment but that would have cost $3000.00! That is not a typo .... yes $3000.00. So they arranged for live entertainment on December 30 for only about $300.00.
Rather than having a catered or prepared meal, each couple brought their own steak or whatever and grilled grilled it themselves. A baked potato and other meal accessories were supplied for a small fee which included the cost of the entertainer.
Since the entertainer was Kim Jenkins, one of our more favored ones, we and the Lopes went to the party.
Here is our group. Marilyn's mother Mazie, Carol, Sonya Nolin and Gus and Marilyn Lopes.
And Carol and I were home before 10 PM but of course we are still going out to bring in the new year on New Years eve!!!